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The College of Medicine offers first-year medical students an opportunity to participate in the Medical Student Scholars Program (MSSP) throughout medical school. This is an effort to recognize the diversity of student interests at UCCOM and to allow highly-motivated students the option of exploring a medically-related topic in-depth throughout their four years in medical school.
Students accepted into a MSSP path are engaged in preceptor-supervised educational experience within a circumscribed area of interest. They participate in clinical and didactic activities that go above and beyond the required components of the medical school curriculum. Students who successfully complete all MSSP requirements have the MSSP distinction mentioned during the Honors Day ceremony when they are awarded their medical degree.
For students wishing to apply to an MSSP, descriptions of each MSSP are in the listing below. The application process will open on August 16, 2023, following the Virtual Open House. The deadline for submission is October 6, 2023. You may apply by logging into MedOneStop, then click on the Extracurricular tab and select MSSP Application & Tracking.
Instructions on accessing and using the MSSP application and tracking page on MedOneStop can be found on this document MSSP MedOneStop Student Instructions (PDF).
The linked Informational PowerPoint with MSSP key points (PPT), will assist with UCCOM requirements for all MSSP's.
For faculty wanting to create a new Medical Student Scholars Program, please contact Gina Burg ( for more information.
The Department of Anesthesiology is pleased to offer two students per year an opportunity to gain additional clinical, didactic, and research experience within the field of Anesthesiology. This includes experience in some of the major anesthesiology subspecialties, including exposure to obstetric anesthesia care, critical care medicine, acute pain management, regional anesthesia, chronic pain management, and/or cardiothoracic anesthesia. This track will provide highly motivated students who are passionate about the field of Anesthesiology a unique opportunity to experience in depth clinical and research activities in the department throughout all four years of medical school. Students are required to complete a summer research scholarly project under the guidance of one of many research faculty. The UC Anesthesiology Research Division is one of the highest NIH funded academic research divisions in the country. Prior research is helpful, but not required.
***Given that only 2 students are chosen from a long list of applicants, we want to emphasize that any student who applies to the MSSP program but is not chosen will still get priority for POSSIBLE (not a guarantee) summer research projects (if still interested).Contact: Thomas James, MDjamesto@ucmail.uc.eduAdmin Contact:Julie
Anesthesia MSSP 24-25 Information Sheet (PDF)
The Division of Cardiovascular Health and Disease within the Department of Internal Medicine at the UC COM has created a specialized education and experiential learning track in Cardiovascular Medicine. One student per year will be admitted to this MSSP. The student will have the opportunity to work with and be mentored by a faculty member in the Division of Cardiovascular Health and Disease as well as to participate in specially selected educational experiences within the division. There will be didactic opportunities as well as a research opportunity. – 1 student maximum
Contact:Richard Becker,
Cardiovascular Information Sheet (pdf)
The Medical Student Scholars Program (MSSP) in Child and Adolescent Health (Pediatrics) recognizes medical students who excel in scholastic exploration of the field of pediatrics. In conjunction with the UCCOM Pediatric Club, students recognized by the program will participate in a variety of pediatric-based clinical opportunities, attend lectures and seminars, perform volunteer or advocacy activities, have active leadership roles in the College of Medicine, and produce a scholarly product from their scientific research.– Up to 12 students maximum
Contact:William Hardie, MD(513)
Information Sheet (PDF)
The scholarship track in Emergency Medicine was created in December 2014. Over three-and-a-half years, students will learn about the role of emergency medicine within the healthcare system and the art of caring for undifferentiated, acutely ill patients. Students will develop key procedural and communication skills through a combination of clinical experience, simulation, and discussion. Students are required to complete a scholarly project under the guidance of department residents and faculty. While geared specifically toward students with an early interest in emergency care, knowledge and skills gained will be applicable to any future medical specialty. – Up to 2 students maximum***Given that only 2 students are chosen from a long list of applicants, we want to emphasize that any student who applies to the EM MSSP program but is not chosen will still get priority for POSSIBLE (not a guarantee) summer research projects (if still interested) over students who ask for EM research between M1-M2 year but did NOT apply to EM MSSP.
Contact:Anita Goel,
The Family Medicine Scholars Program is a special 4 year longitudinal curriculumfor selected medical students. This track will provide highly motivated students aunique opportunity to engage in preceptor-supervised educational experiencesthat will expand upon their fund of knowledge and skill set within Family Medicine.The designated students will participate in an array of mentored unique clinical anddidactic activities. The FMSP will supplement the required curriculum at UCCOM.The FMSP will support students interested in exploring the different aspects ofFamily Medicine including ambulatory primary care, sports medicine, pediatrics,obstetrics, inpatient based care, urgent care, geriatrics, etc.
Contact:Anisa Shomo MD 513-558-4020Anisa.Shomo@uc.eduInformation Sheet (DOCX)
The Geriatric Medicine Student Scholars Program accepts up to eight students in each entering M1 class, with the expectation that they will all remain in this extracurricular program through the four years of their medical schooling. Their involvement includes (1) Attendance at monthly dinner-discussion sessions held eight times a year; (2) Participation in either the M3 or M4 geriatric medicine rotation; (3) Consideration of summer research in the filed of geriatric medicine or aging research. Individual mentorship with Dr. Schlaudecker and personalized learning goals for GMSS are both highly encouraged. – Up to 8 students maximumContact:Jeffrey Schlaudecker,
The Specialized Track in Infectious Diseases allows one student per year to enrich their COM educational experience over a four-year period with opportunities in the classroom, the clinical setting, and in either basic or clinical research. The student will engage in a mentoring relationship with a faculty member in the division and complete a scholarly project. - 1 student max
Contact:George Smulian,
Admin Contact:Justina
This MSSP is designed to broaden students' knowledge and experience with the fields of Integrative medicine and Lifestyle medicine in order to expand the students' expertise as a future physician and to promote self-care and wellness. 1-2 students per year
Contact:Sian Cotton,
Admin Contact: Kelly Lyle woosleka@ucmail.uc.eduIntegrative and Lifestyle Medicine Information SheetIntegrative and Lifestyle Medicine Informational PPT with Voiceover
This specialized track housed in the Department of Medical Education (DME) will provide medical students with an opportunity to (1) expand their knowledge of teaching and learning theory, (2) develop and conduct a scholarship project within medical education, (3) create learning activities that (4) will be taught to and utilized by peers. Students will be required to participate in a broad range of meded activities, encompassing four domains (assessment, evaluation, curriculum design/didactic teaching and clinical teaching). Since medical education scholarship is broad, your scholarly project mentor could be from any department (i.e. not limited to DME).
The Medical Education MSSP is selective process based upon interest in education and the scholarship of teaching and learning – Up to 2 students maximum
Contact:Aaron Marshall,
Admin Contact:Medical Education Information SheetMedical Education Informational PowerPointMedical Education Informational Video
The Nephrology and Hypertension MSSP can accept up to two students per year. This program enriches their COM educational experience with opportunities to conduct clinical and translational research. Additionally, students can participate in educational conferences as well as clinical and procedural experiences in general nephrology and transplantation. The student will be paired with a faculty mentor and a project mentor when required. The division will provide monetary support, including the ability to attend regional/national conferences in nephrology. We expect that this experience allows them to understand different aspects of our subspecialty and we hope the students explore this discipline as a potential career path. – 1-2 student maximum Contact:Niralee Patel, MD 513-558-5471
This MSSP provides an enriched exposure in the neurosciences to students who demonstrate a strong interest. This enhanced experience is accomplished through a multi-disciplinary, longitudinal approach that bridges the pre-clinical and clinical years of student training. Activities include summer research, clinical and research mentoring, seminars, shadowing and required advanced clerkships. Adult and pediatric neurology, physical medicine, and neurosurgery comprise the major specialty areas. – Up to 8 students maximumContact:John Quinlan,
Angie Bustamante513-558-1754
Neuroscience Information SheetNeuroscience Informational Video
The Ophthalmology MSSP is structured to give motivated students early exposure and longitudinal specialty mentorship in Ophthalmology. The objective of this MSSP is to support students interested in ophthalmology with guided career exploration, academic engagement, and goal specific mentoring. - 1 student max
Contact:Lisa Kelly, MD
Admin Contact:Michele Wyan
This MSSP is designed to give highly motivated students early exposure and mentorship in the field of orthopaedic surgery Overall, this MSSP will assist students interested in orthopaedics with career exploration, academic participation, and networking. - 2 students max
Contact:Tonya Dixon MDdixont2@ucmail.uc.eduGina Traylortraylogs@ucmail.uc.edu513-558-4516
The Mental Health Medical Student Scholars Program provides opportunities for medical students to engage in research and clinical exposure, as well as departmental didactics with senior medical students and residents. You will meet monthly with educational track advisors, designing together a course of study & research based on your own interests in the field.
UC’s Department of Psychiatry boasts one of the top research departments in the nation, with multiple ongoing and new studies in Bipolar Affective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders.
No fixed maximum for student-scholars; we try to fund all accepted applicants.
Contact:Peirce Johnston
MSSP Psychiatry 2022-23(PDF)
The Pulmonary MSSP allows one student per year to enrich their COM educational experience over a four year period with opportunities in the classroom, the clinical setting, the procedural setting and in either basic or clinical research. The student will engage in a mentoring relationship with a faculty member while exploring the field as a possible career path and begin to understand the depth and focus of a subspecialty in internal medicine. In addition, the student will develop communication skills and become proficient in the use of specialized clinical vocabulary used in pulmonary and critical care medicine, as well as gain exposure with the specialized procedures and clinical technology used primarily in this discipline. The student will be mentored throughout the first summer in undertaking a research project with goal of presentation or publication by the end of the project.– 1 student maximum
Contact:Alex Garbarino, MD
Annie Daniels
Pulmonary Information Sheet (PDF)
The enhanced educational experience in Women’s Health will provide medical students an opportunity to expand their knowledge in area Women's Health care. Opportunities for either longitudinal or multi-disciplinary clinical experiences will be available. Students will also participate in a summer research project (clinical or basic science) relating to Women’s Health. This will culminate in either a poster or podium presentation. Students will participate in additional educational and clinical experiences, including monthly department conferences on women’s health issues. On occasion, additional meetings will be held to reinforce learning objectives introduced in pre-clinical coursework. This educational track is ideal for students who are interested in careers in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine-Women’s Health, or OB/GYN. - Up to 6 students maximum
Contact:Jane Morris,
Information Sheet(PDF)
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