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Amy Guiot, MD, MEd
Professor, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Director, Electives, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Advanced Training - Fourth Year Requirements


Students must complete a total of 32 weeks of credit during their fourth year.  Specifically, all students must take a defined number of weeks within each elective grouping:

  • A total of 4 weeks of Internal Medicine Acting Internship
  • A total of 4 weeks of a Specialty Acting Internship
  • A total of 12 weeks of Intensive Clinical Experience
  • A total of 12 weeks of General Electives
  • An additional 16 weeks is considered unscheduled or flex time, which is time to be used for interviews, vacations, or other personal use.

Two Months of Acting Internship

Acting Internships (other schools called sub-interns or sub-Is) is a four-week experience for the student to practice being an intern under the careful supervision of an attending physician and senior level resident physician. Acting Interns (AI) are the primary caregiver for these patients, performing the history and physical, creating a differential, then writing the orders, and managing the patient’s care. The AI also participates in potential call, potential cross coverage, and patient care transitions just like any other first year resident. Students are required to take an acting internship in Internal Medicine as well as taking a second acting internship from a specialty/discipline of their choice: surgery, pediatrics, family medicine, anesthesiology, obstetrics, gynecology, neurology, psychiatry, emergency medicine or internal medicine. AIs must be completed in Cincinnati.

M4 Advanced Training: Acting Internships

Adult Psychiatry
Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine
Labor & Delivery

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    Intensive Clinical Experience (ICE)  


    Defined as intensive, substantial, direct patient care experience providing more than 20 hours of direct clinical/patient care experience and responsibility; cannot be primarily shadowing or in a didactic setting. Designed to teach medical students the importance of actively participating in the care of a patient and the health care team. Students spend 50% of the rotation in face-to-face patient interactions while serving as a member of the medical team. Four of the 12 weeks of ICE must be taken in Cincinnati.


      General Electives

      Provides medical students with an opportunity to broaden and balance their educational experience in preparation for intern year.  

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      Office of
      Medical Education

      Medical Sciences Building Room G453 - G456
      231 Albert Sabin Way
      PO Box 670520
      Cincinnati, OH 45267-0520

      Mail Location: 0520
      Phone: 513-558-1795
      Fax: 513-558-4949