Centers Overview
Big Data to Knowledge (iLincs)
Genomics (Integrative LINCS Genomics) is a computational biology portal that provides biomedical scientists with a one-stop user interfaces to analyze differential gene expression in a dataset identified via LINCS Data Portal. Scientists are able to query gene list to Enrichr and/or re-analyze, interpret and export results all within iLINCS Genomics portal.
Scientists are able to compare a "disease transcriptional signature", a gene expression profile, to a library of "drug activity transcriptional signatures" to generate a Connectivity Map based on Connectivity score. Positive correlation between drug perturbations and disease gene expression profiles suggest common gene expression changes, while negative correlation is suggestive of drug perturbation ability to "reverse" the disease.
Portal also provides tools to analyze list of differentially expressed genes in other LINCS and non-LINCS datasets (i.e. TCGA, GEO, etc.) with an option to find concordant LINCS and non-LINCS gene expression signatures.
The project is funded by the NIH grant U54HL127624.
Center for Health Related Aerosol Studies
The primary focus of the Center for Health Related Aerosol Studies is in the followings areas:
- Fundamental and applied research on the sampling and analysis of airborne particles and microorganisms in ambient and indoor environments.
- Aerosol aspects of biodefense and counterterrorism research.
- Characterization of physical and biological aspects of bioaerosols: generation, airborne transport, microbial survival, collection, identification, and enumeration.
- Development and evaluation of aerosol and bioaerosol measurement devices, air purifying and respiratory protection techniques.
- Stationary and personal monitoring for biological and non-biological particulates (respirable, thoracic, and inhalable) in residential and occupational environments.
- Study of relationships between aerosol exposure and health effects.
- Development of new methods for cleaning surfaces contaminated with radioactive particles in nuclear settings.
- Special research topics related to respiratory protection against coronavirus during COVID-19.
Center for Environmental Genetics
The mission of the Center for Environmental Genetics (CEG) is to understand how genetic/epigenetic variability influences disease risk and health outcomes in response to chronic and/or acute exposure(s) to environmental agents, in the presence of developmental or lifestyle modifiers, with the ultimate aim of preventing human disease and disability and improving individual and population health. CEG investigators, trainees and collaborators are currently focused on studying gene-environment interactions in four disease areas, reflecting population health concerns most salient in our region:
- Endocrine disruption and cancer
- Immune and allergic diseases
- Cardiovascular and lipid disorders
- Neurological and behavioral disorders
Education and Research Center
The University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center (UC ERC) serves the regional and national needs in occupational safety and health through interdisciplinary academic education, research training and professional development courses. MS and Ph.D. degrees are offered; a wide range of continuing education courses are available for practicing professionals. Through outreach activities, research findings are shared with practitioners and research is translated to practice.
Programs are offered in Environmental and Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health Nursing, Occupational Medicine Residency, and Occupational Safety and Health Engineering. Specialized training can be obtained in Biomonitoring; This component program is designed to enhance the skills of students studying Environmental and Industrial Hygiene. Training in research methods is available through the Pilot Project Research Training Program and through Targeted Research Training. See details for each academic program in the side-bar for more information.
Risk Science Center (RSC)
The Risk Science Center (RSC) conducts our work at the intersection of science and health protection. Chemicals are an important part of our daily lives. Some chemicals are essential to a healthy life, but exposure to chemicals may also present health risks. We study the way our bodies interact with the chemicals around us to determine the nature and extent of health risks.
The Risk Science Center is dedicated to scientific collaboration and transparency in support of public health protection. We strive for broad communication of risk science by providing risk managers, legislators, and ordinary citizens with the toxicology information they need to make important decisions about chemical safety.
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
Kettering Lab Building
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-5701