Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances also referred to as PFAS, are a family of over 9000 different chemicals that are used in both industry and in many consumer products...
Full story About: PFASLead is a neurotoxicant with no threshold for its effect, meaning that we have not found a “safe” level of lead...
Full story About: LeadDr. Rick Woychik, Director of the NIEHS visited Cincinnati for a Community Forum hosted by the CEG and CEC. The theme was "Precision Environmental Health,"...
Full story About: Community Forum, Arco CincinnatiCEC collaborates with the Museum Center to offer Kid-friendly Environment Health Camps. This summer the CEC hosted two weeks of Environmental Health Camps for children in grades 5-6 at the Museum Center...
Full story About: Cincinnati Museum Center, June 27-July 1, Aug 1-5, 2022This year’s NIEHS EHSCC Annual Meeting was hosted by the Mount Sinai Transdisciplinary Center on Early Environmental Exposures. The meeting featured several working sessions pertaining to anti-racism and environmental justice...
Full story About: NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) Annual MeetingContact Us
Department of Environmental and Public Health SciencesCenter for Environmental Genetics
Kettering Lab Building
Room 210
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-3646
Email: donovata@ucmail.uc.edu