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College of MedicineOffice of Medical Admissions

Welcome to Medical Student Admissions

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine has a proud tradition of training outstanding clinicians and leaders in biomedical research and academic medicine.

The College of Medicine strives to provide a stimulating and challenging environment that prepares graduates for the demands of clinical practice. With each incoming class, we select students who will help advance this mission.

Webinars with our Dean of Admissions!

Prospective applicants are welcome to attend online information sessions (webinars) offered by Dr. Don Batisky, our Dean of Office of Admissions and Special Programs. During these sessions, he will provide an overview of the admissions process, priorities of our institution, and reserved time for one-on-one Q&A where attendees are able to ask their most pressing questions. Our 2023 Webinar dates and times are below.

Registration Closed

This series of Cincinnati Medicine admissions webinars has concluded. Please view the recorded sessions linked above.

 "UnsCripted" Podcast!

Are you wondering what it takes to "WOW" Admissions? Check out this installment of the UnsCripted Podcast (brought to you by a group of our incredible MedCats)! In this episode you will learn about the work of an admissions committee, provide insight into the structure of an admissions committee, and share how to avoid looking like a "typical" candidate throughout all steps of the application cycle. You will also hear about primary and secondary applications, interviews, gap years, and more. Please listen through one of the links below!

You can find the episode here: Website | Spotify |  Apple Podcasts

Medicine in the News

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Contact Us

Office of Medical
Student Admissions & Special Programs

Medical Sciences Building Suite E-450
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670552
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0552

Mail Location: 0552
Phone: 513-558-7314