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A baccalaureate degree is preferred but not required.
No, we do not require any specific coursework.
Yes, students can apply while enrolled in graduate coursework or completing additional degrees. If currently enrolled in a professional school or a degree-granting graduate program, an applicant must complete all degree requirements and show documentation of graduation or completion of requirements prior to matriculation. Updates should be submitted to the Admissions Office regarding grades, enrollment changes, and degree completion.
The College of Medicine allows a 1 year deferral for students who wish to take a year off prior to matriculating into the college. The deferral process is considered a "restrictive" process (i.e., students may not apply to other institutions after being granted a deferral) and is not automatic. Students interested in delayed matriculation should contact the Admissions Office for an outline of the process and deadlines.
The website for AMCAS can be found through the AAMC’s website.
Yes, we accept transfer students into the third year of medical school. We do not accept transfer students at any other time in their training. To transfer, students must have completed two successful years at a U.S. allopathic medical school (accredited by LCME) prior to matriculation. The UC College of Medicine does not accept transfer students from international/Caribbean medical schools. Additional details regarding transfer application are available each Spring on the Transfer Admissions page of our website.
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In order to be considered for admission to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, applicants must submit:
For questions regarding login issues, such as password problems, please contact the UCIT HelpDesk at 513-556-HELP (4357) or, the Admissions Office does not have access to login data.
The UCIT HelpDesk (513-556-4357) can reset your password. The UC Office of Admissions cannot reset your password.
Applying to Medical School with AMCAS
No. The REGULAR MD PROGRAM requires 1 of the following:
The MD/PhD PROGRAM requires:
Go to your status page in our MedOneStop Portal.
You must update your contact information through both AMCAS and the MedOneStop Portal.
Example 1: Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn’t believe in them. He recommends homeopathic medicines to people with mild and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm but will give them reassurance.
Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behavior might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
Example 2: Universities are commonly faced with the complicated task of balancing the educational needs of their students and the cost required to provide learning resources to a large number of individuals. As a result of this tension, there has been much debate regarding the optimal size of classes. One side argues that smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, while others argue that it makes no difference, so larger classes should be used to minimize the number of instructors required.
Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
Example 3: Due to the shortage of physicians in rural communities, such as Northern Ontario, it has been suggested that medical programs preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a two- or three-year tenure in an under-serviced area upon graduation.
Consider the broad implications of this policy for health care costs. For example, do you think the approach will be effective? At what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer.
1Eva, K.W., Rosenfed, J., Reiter, H.I., & Norman, G.R. (2004). An Admissions OSCE: the multiple mini-interview. Med Educ, 38(3), 314-326.
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