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Research / Core Facilities

College of Medicine Research Core Facilities

The UC College of Medicine houses a number of research core facilities designated as core service centers. These facilities exist within multiple departments but are collectively supported by the College of Medicine Office of Research through the Associate Dean for Research Core Facilities: Ken Greis, PhD. (; Tel: 513-558-7012).

The service center designation signifies the rates charged by each of these facilities have been reviewed and approved by the UC Government Cost Compliance Office; thus, the service fees can be cross-charged to federal grants and contracts. Details related to the services offered and the internal rates for each of the cores are provided below. Since these rates are substantially subsidized by the University, external investigators should contact individual core directors to get a rate quote.

Resources to offset some of the cost of the core services may be available through a variety of centers and institutes across UC depending on an investigator’s affiliation. Information related to some of those opportunities and the website links are provided below:

We have recently transitioned our core facilities booking and management to the PPMS system from Stratocore. To book and access services from the core facilities, please log in or create an account in Stratocore via:

My PPMS Dashboard

Stratocore Account Creation Guides:

Center for Health Informatics (CHI)

The Center for Health Informatics is a University of Cincinnati service core focused on providing research data for departments in the UC College of Medicine and UC Health. Dedicated to assisting all research efforts, we provide initial study design and feasibility services at no cost through UC’s Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training.

The Center for Health Informatics is the designated honest broker to access UC Health patient data for research. All data requests for research purposes should be routed through our office. We maintain a close relationship with the Institutional Review Board and Office of Research to ensure data are properly accessed, delivered and logged based on university compliance requirements and federal law. We are experts in the process of de-identifying data sets. We will help you gain fast, efficient, compliant access to the data you need.

Most clinical data requests are completed in less than two business days, while technology and analytics projects tend to be more involved. If your department participates in research, we urge you to consider research data management in your budget and grant planning.

To access services from the CHI, please login or create an account in Stratocore at

Biomedical data informatics

  • Query and use of electronic health record data
  • Data acquisition and integration
  • Honest broker service
  • Big/complex data analysis
  • Molecular data analysis
  • Healthcare analytics
Application and technology development  Custom software development:
  • EHR-based tools for research
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Biostatistics
  • Custom web development
  • Specialty database, datamart, and research registry development
  • Mobile application development
Grant/protocol/manuscript development and review
Informatics education and training
  • Formal informatics education programs
  • Participatory learning and training programs
Informatics consulting and collaboration

Grant Information

A general NIH description of facilities and equipment for this core may be accessed with this link - CHI NIH Summary May 2024; however, it is highly recommended that you discuss your specific core needs with the core director or manager while preparing the grant application since they can likely provide tailored information regarding their capabilities to enhance your application.

Biomedical Data Informatics
Application and Technology Development
Grant/Protocol/Manuscript Development and Review/Informatics Education and Training
Health Analytics/Biostatistician
Informatics Consulting and Collaboration
TriNetX Cohort Identification Tool

The CHI is the designated 'Honest Broker' to search and access clinical data for research. TriNetX is our de-identified data warehouse of the entire UC Health population for cohort exploration.

How do I request EHR data for research?

All requests are submitted through the CHI "Shopping Cart" portal located at Your request will be reviewed by the Associate Director and added to our workflow. 

What text in an IRB approval letter is needed for CHI to access PHI (chart reviews, analysis, recruitment lists, etc.):

Per 45 CFG 164.512 the IRB has granted a waiver from the requirement to obtain an authorization for the use and/or disclosure of protected health information (PHI)


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Medical Sciences Building - Suite 6466

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University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

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Suite E-870
3230 Eden Avenue
PO Box 670555
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0555

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Email: College of Medicine