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2022 University of Cincinnati Cancer Center Report to the Community

In January 2020, the University of Cincinnati, UC Health and Cincinnati Children’s came together to form the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center. While the founding entities remain focused on providing patient care and educating the next generation of oncologists, the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center unifies cancer research at the three entities under one umbrella. This provides us the opportunity to collectively focus our resources and research in specific areas where we can best achieve high-impact discoveries that contribute to our national cancer effort.

Photo of the cover from the 2022 Report to the Community


Analytic Cancer Cases


Grant Funding


Clinical Trials

to Conquer Cancer

Dr. Syed Ahmad - Headshot

Syed A. Ahmad, MD

Co-Director, University of Cincinnati Cancer Center

The Hayden Family Endowed Chair for Cancer Research

Professor of Surgery

Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology

Dr. William Barrett - Headshot

William L. Barrett, MD

Co-Director, University of Cincinnati Cancer Center

Professor and Chair, Radiation Oncology

Medical Director, Barrett Center for Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Research

The Cancer Center, which includes the resources and labs at the University of Cincinnati, UC Health, and Cincinnati Children’s, supports research at the molecular level in our laboratories, the individual level through patient care in our clinics and hospitals, and the community level with education, prevention and reduction initiatives.

In 2021, we designated specific areas we would pursue that take advantage of our unique strengths:

  • Basic Science Research: Cancer cell signaling and metabolism
  • Clinical/Translational Research: Emerging Therapies
  • Population Science Research: Relationship between environmental exposures and cancer

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University of Cincinnati
Cancer Center

231 Albert Sabin Way, Suite 2005
Cincinnati, OH 45267
Phone: 513-558-2177
Fax: 513-558-2666