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Education / Graduate Medical Education / Molgen Grad / About the Master's Program

About the Master's Program

ultra-lo-freezerThe Graduate Program in Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology offers both a thesis and a non-thesis Master of Science degree that can be tailored to suit the student’s particular interests. The master’s program offers diverse opportunities in learning and research, thereby providing the fundamental knowledge base required for successful entry into technical and scientific positions at an advanced level. Students who have completed the M.S. degree have also pursued additional biomedical science-related degree programs in professional or graduate schools. Tuition is charged according to standard in or out of state rates. For more information on reciprocity with Kentucky and Indiana.

Master's Program students can choose from either the Molecular Genetics Track or Human Genetics Track. Master's students take basically the same coursework and 1st and 2nd year Doctoral students. For additional information on course requirements, for the Human Genetics Track.

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Contact Us

Graduate Program in Molecular Genetics,
Biochemistry and Microbiology

Medical Sciences Building Room 1654
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670524
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0524