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Program Outcomes

Our program outcomes demonstrate that we are achieving our aims. Of our 121 graduates, 97 (80%) remain in academia (including those in training) or in research-intensive careers in industry or government and 41 of these (34%) have received research funding from the NIH, industry, foundations, or government. Alumni from our program are likely to work in full-time academic medicine; 61 or 50% of graduates have established careers in academic medicine (67% of all graduates no longer in training), and 26 (43%) of these have NIH funding to support their research. In addition, 6 of our alumni hold leadership positions in government or industry. Our outcomes are in line with national MSTP outcomes and surpass the recently reported national average of MSTP graduates that remain in academia, which was reported to be 65-71%. Over the last 5 years, 41% of our graduates matched into research intensive PSTP residencies.
Where We Match

Where We Match_Updated 2022 - Resized

Top 3 Specialties

Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Pathology

Other Top Specialties 

Psychiatry, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Family Medicine, Dermatology, Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Otolaryngology, Radiation Oncology, Urology, and Transitional Medicine

Where We Are Now

Where We Are Now_Updated 2022 - Resized


Physician Scientist Employment Landscape

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Medical Scientist
Training Program

Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670552
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0552

Mail Location: 0552