Meeting Notes
Stay Connected With Us!
The HSGA hosts a number of events every year from happy hours to Reds games to charity walks to alternative careers seminars. We're also a source of important information such as fellowship and travel award deadlines. All of this is on our website, but you can stay informed by reading our email listserv, checking out our Google Calendar, or following us on Facebook and Twitter (@HSGA_UofCincy). The MED-OHSGS Listserv is an email distribution list for use by health sciences graduate students. It is used for announcements about meetings, events, and general information. This is not your program coordinator's listserv! On average you might receive 3-5 emails per month. The list is used for important announcements, not discussion. All subject headers contain the string "MED-OHSGS" for easy email filtering. How to join in the mailing list? -> Be in the UC school network and Click [Join in] (make sure you're using school's internet connection! If you're home, use VPN to connect to school network.). How to get off the mailing list? To remove yourself from our listserv, send an email from the subscribed address to In the subject and body write "Unsubscribe MED_OHSGS".
Meeting Notes
Constitution and Bylaws:
Our Constitution and HSGA Bylaws
Meeting notes from previous years:
- 2018 Meeting Notes:January February March
- 2017 Meeting Notes:January February March August September
- 2016 Meeting Notes:January February March
- 2015 Meeting Notes: August September October
- 2012-2013 Available on the HSGA forum
- 2011: 05-05-2011 03-31-201102-03-2011 01-06-2011
- 2010: 10-21-2010 09-23-201004-29-2010 04-01-201002-04-2010 01-14-2010
- 2009: 10-22-2009 09-24-200904-02-2009 02-05-2009
- 2008: 10-23-2008 09-25-2008
- Previous Events: 2012 2011 2010 2009
For any comments or suggestion related to the content on this page, please contact us.
Contact Us
HSGAUniversity of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267