Contact Us/Staff
The Office of Graduate Education oversees and coordinates all policies relating to graduate education at the UC College of Medicine.
The associate dean for graduate education, Tim Le Cras, PhD, receives advice from a Committee on Graduate Education, consisting of representatives of all the PhD and master’s programs and a student representative, which meets monthly to discuss issues of concern to students and formulate policy recommendations.
The office also provides resources and administrative support for the Health Sciences Graduate Student Association (HSGA).
How We Can Help You
The Office of Graduate Education helps resolve student problems with registration, grades, payment, travel reimbursements or health coverage, and mediates disputes between students and their advisors, course professors, graduate programs or University administration. The office oversees the selection of nominees for awards such as the Ryan Fellowships or Lindau Meeting.
Research Opportunities
The annual Graduate Student Research Forum, which showcases student research and provides students with an opportunity to present and discuss their work with faculty judges, is sponsored and organized by the office.
In addition, the office coordinates several research opportunities for undergraduates, including the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program, and the year-round Honors Research Program and McNair/STARS research program, and arranges for and helps train graduate student mentors for some of these programs.
The office serves as the major arm for centralized graduate student recruitment, especially recruitment of underrepresented minorities and underserved populations, through participation in regional and national graduate fairs and research convocations, visits to colleges and many other outreach activities, such as the annual Biomedical Research Day, which showcases UC College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children’s graduate programs and training opportunities.
In addition, the office assists graduate programs with their own recruitment activities, through the preparation of recruitment materials, analysis of recruitment and admissions data and assistance with fellowship and Diversity Supplement applications.


Contact Us
Office ofGraduate Education
Medical Sciences Building
Suite 1055
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670548
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0548
Mail Location: 0548
Phone: 513-558-5626
Email: comGradEd@ucmail.uc.edu