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Course # MCP80012 Credit HoursFall SemesterCourse Directors:Yvonne Ulrich-Lai, PhD| e-mail: | Phone: 513-558-6118Christina Gross, PhD| e-mail: | Phone: 513-636-3493
Syllabus and Schedule (PDF)
The objective of this course is to provide training in the development of a research proposal and in effective grant writing. The students will learn how to identify a significant research question, develop a hypothesis, and design appropriate experiments to test the hypothesis. A major part of the class is writing the Specific Aims and Research Plan of an NIH-style F31 proposal. Depending on your PhD program, your proposal will be based on a paper assigned to you by your mentor or on your actual thesis project. The course also informs about the NIH application and review process, and students will participate in a mock study section, in which they will critique each other’s grant proposals. This course helps to prepare you for your qualifying exam. It is recommended that students also participate in the “Career Opportunities in Biomedical Sciences (GNTD8003)” course and/or "Academic Survival Skills" (NS7077).The successful student will be able to:• Write an NIH-style F31 grant proposal, review a proposal, and present the critiques in a mock study section • Acquire an understanding of how to write other sections of the NIH grant application including NIH Biosketch, Vertebrate Animals, Human Subjects, Budget, Environment and Facilities etc.
Medical Sciences Building Room 4259A231 Albert Sabin WayPO Box 670576Cincinnati, OH 45267-0576
Mail Location: 0576Phone: 513-558-3102FAX: 513-558-5738Email: