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Thank you for your interest in the University of Cincinnati's Systems Biology and Physiology Graduate Program, and welcome to our website.
Our program is evolving and growing in exciting new ways to meet the needs and aspirations of its students and faculty. The ongoing tabulation of genome sequences, including the human genome, and the consequences of large-scale, ubiquitous computing power are changing the potential for biological research.
Physiology has always been the central biological discipline that addresses questions of function in complex systems, and this new interface between biological function and emerging technologies is the focus of our program.
With enabling technologies being developed at lightning speed, exciting discoveries are being made in biomedicine every day. As a result, we are seeing a renewed interest and enthusiasm for biology in the new post-genomic era.
Our program is designed to make traditional disciplinary boundaries transparent to its graduates, facilitating their success as participants and leaders in research and teaching.
I encourage you to explore our website and get a feel for the exciting work being done by our faculty and students. If you like what you see, I invite you to consider joining us in the Systems Biology and Physiology Graduate Program at the University of Cincinnati.
Program DirectorSystems Biology and Physiology Graduate ProgramUniversity of Cincinnati
Medical Sciences Building Room 4259A231 Albert Sabin WayPO Box 670576Cincinnati, OH 45267-0576
Mail Location: 0576Phone: 513-558-3102FAX: 513-558-5738Email: