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Departments / Radiology / Fellowships / Neuroradiology / Curriculum / Duties / Responsibilities

Curriculum, Duties and Responsibilities

The Neuroradiology fellowship provides extensive exposure to the performance and interpretation of all aspects of neuroimaging including plain films of the skull, facial bones, cervical spine thoracic and lumbar of the spine:

  • CT and MRI of the brain, extracranial head and neck, TMJ, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine
  • PET, SPECT, myelography, CT myelograms, intracranial and extracranial angiograms
  • Spinal angiology
  • Embolization procedures (external carotid and internal carotid/vertebral/complex)
  • Angioplasty procedures of the head and neck.

Approximately 40 percent of the fellow’s time is spent protocoling and interpreting imaging studies including MR, CT, and plain films. All imaging studies are initially reviewed by the fellow, allowing each to reach his/her own diagnostic conclusions.

The imaging studies are then verified by the attending neuroradiology staff with discussions of the findings and teaching points.

All diagnostic reports generated by fellows are closely reviewed by the appropriate neuroradiology staff for content, differential diagnosis and clarity. One month of training is spent at Children's Hospital Medical Center under the direction of pediatric neuroradiologists.

Duties and Responsibilities

Fellows will alternate weekly on procedures and imaging. The only designated block time is that spent at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

All other imaging is performed in a modality-based (CT/MRI) daily/weekly rotation with individual techniques within the modality encountered on a regular systematic, on-going basis, more akin to work flow encountered in future clinical practice.

Neuroradiology fellows are expected to attend and participate in weekly neuroscience conferences. In addition neuroradiology fellows supervise/conduct monthly conferences for the radiology residents.

Fellows will have one-half day a week free from clinical duties for scholarly activities. Fellows are expected to participate in research projects in conjunction with attending staff. Projects should be designed to result in an abstract for poster presentation or manuscript.

Funds to present abstracts at national meetings will be provided.

Lily Wang, MBBS
Neuroradiology Fellowship Director
Phone: 513-558-6180
Fax: 513-558-7137

Sherri Wolfe

Program Coordinator

Phone 513-558-6180
Fax 513-558-7137

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