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Departments / Radiology / Divisions / Breast Imaging / Position Statement on Mammography

Breast Imaging | Position Statement on Mammography

Despite the recent recommendations made by the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF), the Breast Imaging Center will continue to support the guidelines set forth by the American Cancer Society for detection of breast cancer.

Studies show that mammography is a useful and effective tool for screening and diagnosing breast cancer for women over the age of 40, whether risk factors are present or not.

Moreover, the Breast Imaging Center supports screening mammography to be performed on an annual basis despite the USPSTF recommendation of a two year interval between screenings. This interval of time could result in breast cancer being diagnosed after it has already reached a later stage, thereby impacting survival rates.

Additionally, since the risk of breast cancer increases with age, the Breast Imaging Center does not advise that a woman discontinue screening at age 75 as recommended by the USPSTF. Since women over the age of 75 are at the highest risk of developing breast cancer, annual mammography is recommended as long as the woman is in good health.

Finally, the Breast Imaging Center highly recommends women over the age of 20 perform monthly self breast exams. Self breast examinations have proven to be a powerful tool to detect breast cancer early.

The Breast Imaging Center will continue to follow the guidelines as set forth by the American Cancer Society as we persist in the fight against breast cancer.

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Jackie Blackburn
Phone: 513-584-7359
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