Family Medicine & Psychiatry Graduates
A career in Family Medicine and Psychiatry affords an innumerable amount of opportunity - whether you want to primarily do psychiatry, family medicine, or equally integrate both into your practice.
Take a look inside the world of the FMP by looking at the various endeavors of our esteemed graduates. As you will see, our talented graduates boast a diversity of unique skills and interests afforded by their engagement in combined training.
UC FMP 2018:
Elizabeth Beckman, MD will continue to follow her passion for women's health and urban underserved medicine. She will be working in Denver, Colorado in a variety of clinical settings while also starting a collaborative care project.
Shanna Stryker, MD is our first global health fellow. She works to enhance access to mental health care within primary care settings in Guatemala, provides primary care to refugees and immigrants at the Cincinnati Health Department, and is the collaborative care psychiatrist at an urban FQHC in Cincinnati, all while earning her MPH. She also continues to provide gender-affirming primary care to transgender patients.
UC FMP Alumni
Nicholas Wittry, MD is planning to practice both family medicine and psychiatry in Wisconsin.
Robert Pulliam, MD is planning to stay in Cincinnati and to continue to work on developing innovative models of collaborative care within an underserved urban setting.
Hilja Ruegg, MD currently has a dual appointment within the Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati. She works in primary care with Healthcare for the Homeless in the McMicken Integrated Care Clinic, teaches residents on the Inpatient Psychiatry Consult service, and is busy developing innovative outpatient models for Collaborative Care with various departments and specialties within UC. She is also currently serving as Assistant Program Director for the combined residency program.
Sarah Carreira, MD is currently working in the Cincinnati VA Medical Center's Psychiatric Emergency Center.
Kevin Brazill, DO is currently working with a team of family physicians, internists, pediatricians, and gynecologists as part of the Carle Foundation Physician's Group in Mattoon, Illinois. He divides his time between providing outpatient family medicine and psychiatry, and serves as the consultant psychiatrist for the entire primary care practice in Mattoon. Long interested in working with people in rural areas, he has been able to successfully combine his medicine and psychiatry specialties and plans to continue working in some global health capacity with the UC Family Medicine Residency Program. Kevin also serves on the clinical faculty in the departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Illinois Medical School Urbana-Champaign.
Chinyere Ogbonna, MD, MPH completed a fellowship in Addiction Medicine at Stanford Hospital & Clinics and is transitioning into the role of Medical Director at Kaiser Permanente Chemical Dependency Services. She will be seeing dual diagnoses (mental health and substance use disorders) patients, completing psychiatric intakes, and providing medication assisted treatment for substance use disorders. In addition, she will be spending 0.2 time providing primary care and consultation services at a Family Medicine Clinic in San Jose. She hopes to collaborate with other primary care specialties in improving access to substance use treatment, and advocating for evidence-based screening and early intervention (SBIRT) to identify problematic substance use among adolescents and young adults. She also will continue to collaborate with the Stanford Addiction Medicine Fellowship to help train future fellows, and will be seeking research opportunities with Kaiser and UCSF in the field of addiction.
Jessica Pineda, MD is currently working at Women and Children's Hospital in Providence, RI where she has clinical and teaching responsibilities in primary care and psychiatry. She teaches medical students as well as residents within the departments of family medicine, psychiatry, and OB-GYN and serves as the teaching supervisor for the Brown University Women's Mental Health Fellowship electives (Integrated Behavioral Health, Perimenopausal Mood Disorders, and Psychiatric Oncology). She splits her clinical time between a primary care practice, outpatient general psychiatric practice collaborating with her primary care colleagues, and providing psychiatric services for pregnant and postpartum women at the Women's Day program, outpatient clinic, and C/L service. She continues to be involved with the University of Cincinnati FMP program by hosting residents for elective rotations and also by participating in global health trips.
Mary Cairns, MD worked briefly for Mayo Clinic Health System including the COMPASS collaborative care project. Since 2015 she has been on the teaching faculty for the Ohio State University and utilizes her dual-training by practicing integrated care in an international setting, spending nine months of each year working and teaching in rural Cameroon.
Jamie L. Evans, MD, MPH has worked for an FQHC the Rural Health Group (RHG), in Northeastern NC since graduating from the UC-FMP program in 2013. She works in a hospital-based clinic adjacent to the Emergency Department of the Halifax Regional Medical Center. The clinic provides expanded evening hours for its patients, hoping to discourage unnecessary utilization of the ER and maintain care within the patient's medical home. The clinic also provides transitional care for patients discharged from HRMC Inpatient for medication reconciliation and care coordination. While Dr. Evans primarily serves as a Family Physician (given the high service need for primary care of the very medically and socially complex patients of the area), she does manage the psychiatric issues of many of her primary care patients and also does internal psychiatric consultations for other primary care providers in the RHG network.
Stephen J. Warnick, MD currently works as the Assistant Program Director for the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University Psychiatry Residency Training Program. He is also the behavioral medicine director and a core faculty member for the DMC Sinai-Grace/WSU Family Medicine Residency. Clinically he precepts in the family medicine clinic, sees patients in an integrated behavioral health clinic, works in the Psychiatric emergency room, supervises psychiatry residents on the inpatient psychiatry unit, and works in a methadone treatment program. Starting in November 2016 he will be joining the University of Michigan Department of Family Medicine and Psychiatry, practicing outpatient family medicine as well as collaborative care and integrated behavioral healthcare. After graduation from the Cincinnati FMP program, Steve served for two years as an outpatient physician providing both family medicine and psychiatric services at Advantage Health Centers, a Federally Qualified Health Center in Detroit, MI.
Lawrence Udom, MD, MPH completed a fellowship in Primary Care Sports Medicine at Riverside Methodist Hospital/MAX Sports Medicine in Columbus, Ohio. He is currently working at a Family Medicine practice in Beavercreek, OH as their primary Sports Medicine physician and Psychiatrist.
UC FMP 2011:
Bryan Cairns, MD spent his first few years working for the University of Cincinnati's Psychiatry and Family Medicine departments in a variety of inpatient and outpatient arenas including attending on the Geriatric Psychiatry Unit and the PES at Deaconess Hospital, and in outpatient family medicine work within the residency. He is now working for the Mayo Clinic Health Systems in Southeastern Minnesota, splitting his time between Family Medicine and Psychiatry in a more rural setting and hoping to work with the DIAMOND/COMPASS integrated care projects in that area. He has an interest in teaching and, along with his wife who is also an FMP, has a long-term goal of practicing integrated care in an international setting.
Laurie Carrier, MD is currently Medical Director and Director of Integrated Care at Heartland Health Centers, an FQHC on the north side of Chicago with 15 sites, 3 of which are within community mental health centers. Heartland caters to an underserved, largely immigrant and refugee population and has fully integrated care. She is also Chief Medical Officer of Trilogy Behavioral Healthcare, a community mental health center in Chicago, where she practices psychiatry and family medicine. She is faculty with the Family and Community Medicine Department at Northwestern University. During residency, she traveled to over 20 countries, worked in hospitals in Africa, Palestine and Central America and continues to be involved in international and underserved health care.
Justin Hauxwell, MD is currently residing in Colorado working in a federally qualified health center working with underserved and uninsured patients in the Denver metropolitan area. His clinical duties are split equally between psychiatry and family medicine. He is also leading efforts to create a referral program for many Denver providers with patients needing psychiatric evaluation.
Christopher White, MD, JD, MHA, FCLM is currently an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. He trains psychiatry and family medicine residents in the Psychiatric Emergency Services at Deaconess Hospital, at the McMicken Integrated Care Clinic for the homeless, and also directs the behavioral science training for the family medicine training program based at Christ Hospital. In addition to these roles, Dr. White also directs the Family Medicine research division where he has a significant allocation of time to develop a research program in psychosomatic medicine. During his residency training he was selected as one of the NIMH Outstanding Residents, awarded a Laughlin Fellowship, and selected as a Webb Fellow based on his research interests that fall within the interface of medicine, psychiatry, and law.
Janell Lundgren, MD is currently working in Cincinnati, OH, as a staff inpatient psychiatrist at the Summit Regional Psychiatric Hospital. After graduation she completed a fellowship in Forensic psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic in 2008.
Ernesto Ortiz-Cruzado, MD is currently on faculty with the Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. Prior to starting his faculty position at OSU, Ernesto worked in Santa Cruz, CA, dividing his time as an outpatient psychiatrist in both a community mental health center and in an outpatient family practice clinic. Past positions have included: combined outpatient psychiatry and family medicine jobs and psychiatric consultation with HIV medical team of the County of Santa Cruz.
Yemi Aina, MD is currently working at Texoma Medical Center serving the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. He was formerly a staff psychiatrist at the Ft. Hood Military Base in Kileen, TX. He was previously working in Cincinnati in private practice specializing in sleep medicine after completing a Sleep Medicine Fellowship at the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2007.
Anthony Whitaker, MD, JD is currently working in Cincinnati, OH, doing forensic psychiatric consults as well as family medicine at Summit Behavioral Health Care, Cincinnati's regional long-term inpatient psychiatric hospital. He has previously worked as a staff inpatient psychiatrist at the Summit Behavioral Health Care, as well as serving in the University Hospital Psychiatry Emergency Services and at the VA Medical Center. Dr. Whitaker completed his Juris Doctorate at Temple University in 1993 and MD from Michigan State University in 2001. Following graduation from the FMP program he completed a fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati in 2007.
Shay Stanford, MD is currently working in Cincinnati, OH, as the medical directory for a large community mental health center. She recently opened up an integrated care clinic in which she will be part of an interdisciplinary team providing primary care, mental healthcare, and addiction services to both rural and inner city populations in southwest Ohio. She previously served as assistant professor of psychiatry and family medicine and was the associate director of Women's Health Research Program where she devoted a signifiant amount of time to research on fibromyalgia and providing primary care for fibromyalgia patients. She continues to teach in the family medicine and psychiatry departments at UC.
Quinton Moss, MD is living and working in Cincinnati, OH as the medical director and founder of Modern Psychiatry and Wellness LLC, where he provides mental health and addiction services to patients. He was formerly the director of inpatient clinical psychiatry at Ft. Hamilton Hughes Hospital and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Cincinnati. He also participates actively in research on bipolar disorder and its metabolic complications and teaching in the family medicine and psychiatry departments.
Elizabeth Furbish, MD is currently working in Georgia as a staff psychiatrist in the Forensics Division at Central State Hospital's maximum security ward. Past positions have included: managing medical conditions in the chronically ill; psychiatric consultation at a rehabilitation hospital.
Dan Vogel, MD is currently working in Cincinnati, OH, as Assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics in addition to being an inpatient Child Psychiatry attending at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Past positions have included: attending on inpatient psychiatric unit for complex illness in adolescents at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
Richard A. Bermudes, MD is the Chief Medical Officer of TMS Health Solutions a psychiatric group practice in Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area that specializes in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In 2013 Dr. Bermudes chaired the first annual meeting of the Clinical TMS Society and served as a founding board member. In 2015 he was elected president of the Clinical TMS Society. Dr. Bermudes is a recognized national speaker on TMS practice organization, insurance reimbursement and policy development. Dr. Bermudes has authored articles on cognitive therapy techniques, the metabolic syndrome, and medication-associated obesity. He is the principal editor of A Clinical Guide for Managing Metabolic Abnormalities in the Psychiatrically Ill: What Psychiatrists Need to Know (American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2007).
Leigh Gaines, MD is currently working as the Medical Director for the Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Unit at the Cincinnati VAMC, and is also an active member of the Primary Care Mental Health Integration (PCMHI) outpatient services team. She has previously worked dividing her time as an outpatient family practice physician, an outpatient psychiatrist in community mental health center, and working part-time in the Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) at the University of Cincinnati University Hospital.
Nichole Brandts, MD is currently working as an outpatient psychiatrist in private practice. Past positions have included: acute care of medical problems for homeless and uninsured mentally ill patients in inner city health clinics; psychiatric consultations and treatment of mentally ill patients in rural family practice office. Special interests include Women's Mental Health Issues.
Jennie Hahn, MD is currently serving as an Addiction Psychiatrist at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. Following her residency, Jennie served as a family medicine physician and an outpatient psychiatrist in Northern Kentucky. After nearly a decade in practice, she completed her Addiction Medicine Fellowship at the Cincinnati VA and now plays an integral role in caring for veterans coping with substance dependence and teaching in the VA-based addiction fellowship and UC psychiatry residency.
Lisa Cantor-Jacobson, MD previously worked as the consultation-liason psychiatrist at the Drake Rehabilition Center in Cincinnati, OH and is now working for Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, OH. Other past positions have included psychiatric consultant at long-term acute care and rehabilitation facility; nursing home psychiatrist; volunteer assistant professor of Family Medicine at University of Cincinnati.
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Department ofPsychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
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PO Box 670559
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0559