Kranias Laboratory
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute T32 Training Program in Understanding Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms (PIs: J. Molkentin and E.G. Kranias)
Program Summary
The overall scientific emphasis of our training program is to build from a basic platform of cardiovascular physiology, cell biology, biochemistry and pharmacology and to incorporate the latest approaches in biomedical research, as well as clinical and translational approaches. The cardiovascular environment at Cincinnati Children’s and the University of Cincinnati is considered one of the very best in the country. The Scope of our training grant is embodied by our title, “Understanding Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms.” All 18 current faculty members are firmly rooted in this theme as the basis of their research programs. Our faculty approach this theme from different subspecialties that include genetics, metabolism, development, cellular biology, systems biology, structural biology, biophysics, pharmacology, molecular biology, bioinformatics and biochemistry. While these subspecialties are clearly diverse, our faculty collaboratively leverage these areas towards a common goal of understanding cardiovascular disease from the gene all the way up to integrated organism function (systems biology). This diverse array of subspecialties synergizing towards a common theme provides a truly unique training environment that few centers can match. The T32 funds 3 pre- and 3 postdoctoral trainee positions. Predocs are selected by the Internal Advisory Committee from a vast and outstanding pool of candidates amongst 7 departmental graduate programs, while postdoctoral candidates are selected based on being accepted into a mentor’s laboratory and then passing the screening process by the Internal Advisory Committee and co-PIs. The mentoring program and evaluation process for the program are highly structured and oversight occurs on many levels.
Contact Us
Department ofPharmacology and Systems Physiology
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575