Division of General Obstetrics & Gynecology
About the Division
In the world of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, the Generalists are the ones that have the broadest range of skills being applied on a day to day basis. We provide care to women from adolescent years through menopause, as well as prenatal care, intrapartum care and the much anticipated delivery and full gynecologic services including preventive services, menstrual abnormalities, contraceptive counseling, and surgical services. We work with our Advanced Practice Nurses and Certified Nurse Midwives to support a collaborative practice increasing our patients’ access to care as well as satisfaction.
All of our division members are either board certified or board eligible actively seeking their board certification. A wide range of expertise and skills are found in our group.
As active participants in the medical education of our students and residents, we provide didactic sessions as well as clinical education through patient care. Program support includes directorships in the OB Special Care Unit and Outpatient Obstetrics and Gynecology offices.
Because we are an academic center, we have the advantage of close relationships with our subspecialty colleagues, including Maternal Fetal Medicine, Gynecologic Oncology, Urogynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. This allows us to provide a continuum of care to our patients and rapid access to these specialty services when needed.
We enjoy our active practices at our original Clifton and West Chester UC Physician’s offices and now at the newer Midtown and Florence sites. The UCMC and WC hospital practices are also busy sites located on the hospital campuses.
View the list of links of our active practices:
Contact Us
Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology
Medical Sciences Building Room 7254
231 Albert Sabin Way
Mail Location: 0526
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0526
Patient Care Office
Phone: 513-475-8588
Fax: 513-475-8726