FCC Data Dictionary (Categories of Variables)
Database and Data Dictionary
All medical history and risk factor information is coded and stored in a series of related SAS files. All information in the chart (medical examination findings, laboratory tests, diagnostic test results, questionnaire information) is housed in SAS databases. The FCC database consists of over 160 individual files in SAS format. All data has been entered using SAS applications designed for double data entry with verification. In addition, various computer-generated quality assurance reports have been used for follow-up and to detect data outliers, which are then verified with the paper chart and the laboratory, if needed. A separate set of SAS files were created for each year of the program to maintain and manage the data collected from the physical exam forms and ongoing questionnaires. Some data collected during the program are maintained in single, cumulative SAS files rather than in separate files for each program year. Mammograms, chest x-rays, and laboratory results are examples of data maintained in single SAS files. The entire SAS database totals more than 1 gigabyte of data and spans over 10,000 variables, although many of the variables are the same from one program year to the next.
A large, searchable data dictionary for the SAS files exists in a Microsoft Access database.
- You will need to have Microsoft Access installed on your computer to be able to use this database, Microsoft Office 2010 or higher version.
- Click on the icon below to access a read-only copy of the FCC data dictionary database.
- Once opened, if prompted, click "Enable Content".
- You can query the data dictionary for either variable type (information domain) or for all of the occurrences of a specific variable name across many files.
- All variables in an information domain: Every variable is coded for type of information (domain), and the data dictionary database can be queried for just those variables that are within one of the information domains.
- At the bottom of this webpage you will find a pdf file of a list of the variable type codes. Note which code or codes represent the type of information needed for your study. For example, ALC for variable about alcohol consumption history.
- Click on "Search the data dictionary by variable type" and then enter a variable category code (see below for the list of codes). Click "Run Query".
- The output of the query will be a table of all of the variables in the domain. You can copy and paste this table into an Excel spreadsheet.
- All occurrences of a specific variable name across files: Click on “Search the data dictionary by variable name” and then enter a variable specific variable name. Click “Run Query”.
- At the bottom of this webpage page you also will find a pdf file that lists all of the SAS files and the number associated with that file.
- When you query the data dictionary, each variable is coded for a file, and the file number is in the column FILE.
- Identical variable names may appear in multiple files, representing unique information.
Click on the icon below to access a read-only copy of the FCC data dictionary database.
Fernald Community Cohort Data Dictionary (ACCDB)
- List of SAS Variable Codes (PDF)
- List of SAS Files (PDF)
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
Kettering Lab Building
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-5701