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Other Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Studies

(Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN)

CoPIs: LCDR D. Huber (NAMRU-D), W. Marras (OSU), A. Bhattacharya (UC), A. Reiter (WSU)

Purpose: The purpose of this collaborative study with Ohio State University, Wright State University, and the Naval Medical Research Unit-Dayton was to determine biological and biomechanical biomarkers to predict susceptibility to motion sickness and low back disorders in naval aircrew. Low back function, spinal loading, postural stability, gait function, and gene expressions were measured before and after motion sickness exposure.

A subject sitting in a Neuro-Otologic measurement chair and a technician viewing results on a nearby computerA subject on a balance measurement plate
Neuro-Otologic Testing Center (NOTC)Postural Stability Testing

Two graphs showing balance stability before and after expusure to motion sickness with the post motion sickness results showing a better balance.
Comparison of postural stability results before and after exposure to motion sickness

A man walking with sensors attached to his body.
Instrumented Timed Up and Go Test with and without Dual Task (mental task)

Publication: Publication in process

Postural Balance Risk Assessment of Acute Exposure to Jet Fuel (2000-2002)

(NIEHS supplement to grant R01 ES008659)

PI: A. Bhattacharya

Purpose: This investigation addressed acute JP 8 jet fuel exposure in a healthy workforce to determine if an effect is evident in their postural balance measurements.  Postural balance of Air Force mechanics was measured with a force platform before and after acute exposure to JP-8.

A collage of 3 pictures, a sign reading 'United Stated Air Force Langley AFB', and two photos of air force personnel on balance measurement plates.

Two graphs comparing the balance stability of an unexposed worker with a jet fuel exposed worker. The jet fuel exposed results show increased movement compared to the unexposed worker.
Effect of chronic exposure to JP-8 on ability to maintain a safe postural balance on uneven (foam) surface.

A chart that shows an increased sway area for all jet fuel exposed groups compared to unexposed groups with and without acute alcohol ingestion.
Publication: Smith, L.B., Bhattacharya, A., Lemasters, G., Succop, P., Puhala, E., Medvedovic, M., and Joyce, J. “Effect of Chronic Low Level Exposure to Jet Fuel on Postural Balance of U.S. Air Force Personnel” J. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine vol. 39(7): 623-632, 1997. PMID: 9253723.
Conference Presentation: Bhattacharya, A, Kincl, L and Succop S, “Postural balance measurements: Risk assessment of the acute exposure to jet fuel” invited presentation at the International Conference on JP-8 Jet Fuel, August 7-10, 2001, San Antonio, Texas.

Postural Stability Effects in Low Seam Mining Tasks (1999-2003)

(NIOSH #1R01OH03871)

PI: A. Bhattacharya

Purpose: This study was designed to quantify postural instability of low seam miners while carrying out mine-related tasks under exposure to individual and combined risk factors of environmental lighting, surface condition, and footwear used. 

Hammer-Walk in Simulated Low Seam Mine
Low seam miner walking with 20 lb bag on his back in steel-toed and in rubber boots with a hammer for balance support.
Low seam miner walking with 20 lb bag on his back in steel-toed and in rubber boots with a hammer for balance support.

Publication: Bhattacharya A, Succop P, Kincl L, Ramsey J, Sobeih T, “Postural stability associated with restricted ceiling height mining tasks” Occupational Ergonomics: 8 (2-3), 91-114; 2009

Ergonomic Aspects of Older Workers Postural Balance (1999-2003)

(NIOSH #5R01OH03936)

PI: A. Bhattacharya

Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the impact of workplace-related risk factors on postural balance of 95 industrial workers in three age groups, i.e. 45-54 years, 55-64 years, and 65-75 years.  Risk factors investigated were task-type performed (static & dynamic), environmental lighting, standing/walking surface slipperiness, inclinations, and footwear hardness.

A person with measurement devices on walking up and down a slippery ramp
Measuring dynamic balance while walking up and down a slippery ramp.  

Publications: Bhattacharya, A.  "Falls in the elderly:  The need for new research" In: Ergonomics and Human Factors - Recent Research. (L.S. Mark, et al., editors) Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 141 146, 1987.

Conference Presentations: Sobeih, T., Gordon, J., Bhattacharya, A., Succop, P., L. Kincl, “Impact of Workplace Risk Factors on Postural Stability of Older Workers”.  Abstract presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition Atlanta, Georgia, May 8-13, 2004.

Modawal A, Hasse L and Bhattacharya A, “Relationship of alcohol use and bodily postural sway measures in the healthy elderly”. Presented at the 2nd French-American Geriatric Meeting/1st Transatlantic Geriatric Meeting, Paris, France, September, 1, 1999. 

Modawal A, Hasse L and Bhattacharya A, “A Age based normative values of bodily sway and its relationship to functional measures in community dwelling elderly” Presented at the American Geriatric Society and American Federation for Aging Research Meeting, May 21, 1999, Philadelphia.

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Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
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Phone: 513-558-5701