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The College of Medicine Alumni Association recognizes distinguished alumni who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in their careers at an awards ceremony held in conjunction with Reunion Weekend each spring.
The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes MD graduates of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine for achievements in the areas of basic research, education, clinical care, health service administration and public and/or civic duties.
Nominations for the following year’s alumni awards are accepted during the current year. To be eligible for consideration, completed nominations for classes ending in 0 and 5 must submitted by September 13, 2024.
Make a Nomination Now!
1989Lt. General Frank Ledford Jr. ‘59
1991Paul Seebohm ‘41
1993Jules Klein ‘38
1995L. Elizabeth Beekley Brodman ‘45Walter Lobitz, Jr ‘40
1997Herbert Flessa ‘52Gilbert Schiff ‘57
1999William Gerhardt ‘54Peter Frame ‘69
2001Gerald Buckberg ‘61James Morgan ‘76David Schwartz ‘61
2003Dean Kereiakes ‘78Milton Rosenbaum‘34John Willke ‘48
2005John Albers ‘55Frederick Kaskel ‘75Ronald Strauss ‘65
2007James James ‘67Frederick Samaha ‘87Parker Small, Jr. ‘57
2009Thomas Saladin ‘59Jerry Shuck ‘59
2011Anthony Amato ‘86Steven Seifert ‘76Leslie Weiner ‘61
2013Robert Eckel ‘73Peter Raff Mueller ‘73
2015Mark Gebhardt ‘75Raymond Lipicky ‘60Allen Silbergleit ‘55
2017Mark Estes ‘77Maxine Papadakis ‘77
2019Bernard Bach, Jr. MD ‘79Joel Roos, MD ‘89Margaret Rush, MD ‘84
2021Carol Cunningham, MD ‘86Robert Hummel, MD ‘51Thomas Moore, MD ‘71
1990Thomas Fogarty ‘60
1992William Schubert ‘52
1994John Flege, Jr. ‘54
1996Robert Rothenberg ‘29Martin Samuels ‘71
1998Jerome Wiot ‘53Robert Rakel ‘58
2000Robert Baehner ‘60Harold Schumacher ‘55
2002Cornelia Dettmer ‘57C. Thomas Kisker ‘62
2004I. Leonard Bernstein ‘49Marilyn Gaston ‘64George Gorsuch ‘54
2006Demetrios Julius ‘71Lawrence Opas ‘71Marvin Slepian ‘81
2008Ira Abrahamson ‘48Arthur Asbury ‘58Thomas Geracioti Jr. ‘83
2010Margery Gass ‘80Laird Jackson ‘55Joseph Nishimoto ‘55John Phair ‘60
2012William Barrett ‘87Connie Griffin ‘77Lloyd Klein ‘77Theodore Striker ‘62
2014Arthur Evans, III ‘74Sheldon Greenfield ‘64Clarice Reid ‘59
2016Jack Lorenz ‘61Marvin Slepian ‘81Richard Welling ‘66
2018E. David Crawford ‘73Cornelius Hopper, MD ‘60Eric van Sonnenberg ‘73
2020Lane Donnelly, MD ‘90Bruce Smoller ‘83Warren Webster, MD ‘70
2022Roger Johnsonbaugh, MD, PhD '62David Bernstein, MD '77Erica Liebelt, MD ‘87Claude T. Moorman, MD ‘87
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