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Region’s First Mobile Stroke Unit

Introducing the region’s first mobile stroke unit, a vehicle specially designed to provide immediate care for patients suffering from a possible stroke.

Jake Stevens and Tiffany Shi

Jake Stevens and Tiffany Shi Receive the 2023 Ryan Fellowship

MSTP Students, Jake Stevens (G4) and Tiffany Shi (G4), are the 2023 recipients of the Albert J. Ryan Fellowship!

The Albert J. Ryan Fellowship is a two-year award given to a select number of students at
the University of Cincinnati, Dartmouth College, and Harvard University. The purpose of
the fellowship is to recognize and encourage the career development of graduate students
who show potential to contribute to the advancement of biomedical sciences. Ryan
Fellows also attend an annual scientific meeting in New Hampshire to present their
research and hear presentations from Ryan Fellow alumni.

Congratulations, Jake and Tiffany!

UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute Receives Gold Touchstone Award PR 2021

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University of Cincinnati
Gardner Neuroscience Institute

3113 Bellevue Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 866-941-8264