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Carter, Michela; Reyna, Chantal; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Hanseman, Dennis; Meier, Teresa; Barrord, Michelle; Lewis, Jaime D 2021. Trends and Outcomes Associated With Axillary Management of Males With Clinical N0 Breast Cancer-An NCDB Analysis. The Journal of surgical research, 268 , 97-104
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Vaysburg, Dennis M; Cortez, Alexander R; Hanseman, Dennis J; Delman, Aaron M; Morris, Christopher; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Kutz, David; Lewis, Jaime; Van Haren, Robert M; Quillin, R Cutler 2021. An analysis of applicant competitiveness to general surgery, surgical subspecialties, and integrated programs. Surgery, ,
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Napoli, Melissa; Lewis, Jaime; Hopper, Jennifer; Widmeyer, Kimberly 2020. Factors that impact risk management decisions among women with pathogenic variants in moderate penetrance genes associated with hereditary breast cancer. Journal of genetic counseling, 29 6, 960-970
Rao, Roshni; Jackson, Rubie Sue; Rosen, Barry; Brenin, David; Cornett, Wendy; Fayanju, Oluwadamilola M; Chen, Steven L; Golesorkhi, Negar; Ludwig, Kandice; Ma, Ayemoethu; Mautner, Starr Koslow; Sowden, Michelle; Wilke, Lee; Wexelman, Barbara; Blair, Sarah; Gary, Monique; Grobmyer, Stephen; Hwang, E Shelley; James, Ted; Kapoor, Nimmi S; Lewis, Jaime; Lizarraga, Ingrid; Miller, Megan; Neuman, Heather; Showalter, Shayna; Smith, Linda; Froman, Joshua 2020. Pain Control in Breast Surgery: Survey of Current Practice and Recommendations for Optimizing Management-American Society of Breast Surgeons Opioid/Pain Control Workgroup. Annals of surgical oncology, 27 4, 985-990
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Winer, Leah K; Hinrichs, Benjamin H; Lu, Sisi; Hanseman, Dennis; Huang, Yuan; Reyna, Chantal; Lewis, Jaime; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A 2019. Flat epithelial atypia and the risk of sampling error: Determining the value of excision after image-guided core-needle biopsy. American journal of surgery, 218 4, 730-736
Chadwell, Sarah E; He, Hua; Knapke, Sara; Lewis, Jaime; Sisson, Rebecca; Hopper, Jennifer 2018. Factors Influencing Clinical Follow-Up for Individuals with a Personal History of Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer and Previous Uninformative BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing. Journal of genetic counseling, 27 5, 1210-1219
Lewis, Jaime D; Fane, Kathleen E; Ingraham, Angela M; Khan, Ayesha; Mills, Anne M; Pitt, Susan C; Ramo, Danielle; Wu, Roseann I; Pollart, Susan M 2018. Expanding Opportunities for Professional Development: Utilization of Twitter by Early Career Women in Academic Medicine and Science. JMIR medical education, 4 2, e11140
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Pugh, Amanda M; Giannini, Courtney M; Pinney, Susan M; Hanseman, Dennis J; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Lewis, Jaime D 2018. Characteristics and diagnosis of pregnancy and lactation associated breast cancer: Analysis of a self-reported regional registry. American journal of surgery, 216 4, 809-812
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Lewis, Jaime D; Chagpar, Anees B; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Nurko, Jacob; McMasters, Kelly; Edwards, Michael J 2010. Excellent outcomes with adjuvant toremifene or tamoxifen in early stage breast cancer. Cancer, 116 10, 2307-15
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Goodman M.;Lewis J.;Guitron J.;Reed M.;Pritts T.;Starnes S. 04-01-2013. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, 6 2, 106-109
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Napoli M.;Lewis J.;Hopper J.;Widmeyer K. 01-01-2020. Factors that impact risk management decisions among women with pathogenic variants in moderate penet Journal of Genetic Counseling, ,