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Eckman, Mark H; Lip, Gregory Y H; Wise, Ruth E; Speer, Barbara; Sullivan, Megan; Walker, Nita; Kissela, Brett; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Baker, Peter; Ireton, Robert; Hoskins, Dave; Harnett, Brett M; Aguilar, Carlos; Leonard, Anthony; Arduser, Lora; Steen, Dylan; Costea, Alexandru; Kues, John 2016. Using an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool for Thromboprophylaxis in Atrial Fibrillation: Effect of Sex and Age. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64 5, 1054-60
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Eckman MH, Lip GY, Wise RE, Speer B, Sullivan M, Walker N, Kissela B, Flaherty ML, Kleindorfer D, Baker P, Ireton R, Hoskins D, Harnett BM, Aguilar C, Leonard AC, Arduser L, Steen D, Costea A, Kues J 06-2016. Impact of an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool on thromboprophylaxis for atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J., 176 , 17