- Fellowship: Harborview Medical Center/University of Washington (Foot & Ankle Trauma/Reconstruction)
- Fellowship: E. Burke Evans Foot & Ankle/Infection Fellowship (E. Burke Evans Foot & Ankle/Infection )
- Residency: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (Orthopaedic Surgery )
- Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Rotation (Elective): Rancho Los Amigos Medical Cente
- Internship: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (General Surgery)
- Medical Degree: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (Medicine)
- Master's Degree: Texas Tech University (Sports Medicine/Highest Honors)
- Bachelor's Degree: University of Notre Dame (Philosophy)
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (Certification Date: 1996-07-11) - (Recertification Date: 2017-01-01)
Orthopaedic Surgery
- Medical Sciences Building 5474
- Email laughlrt@ucmail.uc.edu
Clinical Interests
Orthopaedic Surgery
Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Acquired Joint Deformities
Ankle Fracture
Ankle Sprain
Athletic Injuries
Avascular Necrosis (Aseptic necrosis)
Bone Cysts
Bone Disease
Bone Infections
Bone Metastases
Compartment Syndromes
Complex Deformities
Complex Periarticular Fractures
Foot Deformities
Foot Fracture
Ganglion Cyst
Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath
Hallux Valgus
Hip Fracture
Incomplete Fracture
Intra-Articular Fractures
Joint Capsule Release
Joint Diseases
Joint Dislocation
Malunion Fractures
Mobility Limitation
Musculoskeletal Disease
Musculoskeletal Trauma
Nonunion Fractures
Orthopaedic Trauma
Osteomyelitis (Bone Infection)
Overuse Injuries
Patella Tendon Tear
Patellar Tendon Rupture
Quadricep Tendon Rupture
Quadricep Tendon Tear
Radius Fractures
Separated Shoulder
Shin Splints (Medial tibial stress syndrome)
Spontaneous Fractures
Sports Related Injuries
Stress Fractures
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tendon Injuries
Tibial Neuropathy
Peer Reviewed Publications
, ; Sprague, Sheila; Slobogean, Gerard; Wells, Jeffrey L; O'Hara, Nathan N; Thabane, Lehana; Mullins, C Daniel; Harris, Anthony D; Wood, Amber; Viskontas, Darius; Apostle, Kelly L; O'Toole, Robert V; Joshi, Manjari; Johal, Herman; Al-Asiri, Jamal; Hymes, Robert A; Gaski, Greg E; Pilson, Holly T; Carroll, Eben A; Babcock, Sharon; Halvorson, Jason J; Romeo, Nicholas M; Matson, Christopher A; Higgins, Thomas F; Marchand, Lucas S; Bergin, Patrick F; Morellato, John; Van Demark, Robert E; Potter, G David; Gitajn, I Leah; Chang, Gerard; Phelps, Kevin D; Kempton, Laurence B; Karunakar, Madhav; Jaeblon, Todd; Demyanovich, Haley K; Domes, Christopher M; Kuhn, Gabrielle R; Reilly, Rachel M; Gage, Mark J; Weaver, Michael J; von Keudell, Arvind G; Heng, Marilyn; McTague, Michael F; Alnasser, Ahmad; Mehta, Samir; Donegan, Derek J; Natoli, Roman M; Szatkowski, Jan; Scott, Alesha N; Shannon, Steven F; Jeray, Kyle J; Tanner, Stephanie L; Marmor, Meir T; Matityahu, Amir; Fowler, Justin T; Pierrie, Sarah N; Beltran, Michael J; Thomson, Cameron G; Lin, Carol A; Moon, Charles N; Scolaro, John A; Amirhekmat, Arya; Leonard, Jordan; Pogorzelski, David; Bzovsky, Sofia; Heels-Ansdell, Diane; Szasz, Olivia P; Gallant, Jodi L; Della Rocca, Gregory J; Zura, Robert D; Hebden, Joan N; Patterson, Joseph T; Lee, Christopher; O'Hara, Lyndsay M; Marvel, Debra; Palmer, Jana E; Friedrich, Jeff; D'Alleyrand, Jean-Claude G; Rivera, Jessica C; Mossuto, Franca; Schrank, Gregory M; Guyatt, Gordon; Devereaux, P J; Bhandari, Mohit 2024. Skin Antisepsis before Surgical Fixation of Extremity Fractures. The New England journal of medicine, 390 5, 409-420
Gundapaneni, Dinesh; Tsatalis, James T; Laughlin, Richard T; Goswami, Tarun 2023. Anthropomorphic Characterization of Ankle Joint. Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland), 10 10,
Meyer, Jacob R; Earnest, Ryan E; Johnson, Brian M; Steffensmeier, Andrew M; Vyas, Dheer A; Laughlin, Richard T 2023. Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Preoperative Protocol for Geriatric Hip Fractures Improves Time to Surgery at a Level III Trauma Center. Geriatric orthopaedic surgery & rehabilitation, 14 , 21514593231181991
Wasky, Peter R; Shah, Nihar S; Roca, Augusto; Laughlin, Richard T 2022. Staged Hindfoot Fusion for Osteomyelitis of the Distal Tibia and Talus. Foot & ankle orthopaedics, 7 1, 2473011421S00497
Hoge, Connor G; Matar, Robert N; Cotton, Colin D F; Rubeiz, Michael G; Dixon, Tonya L; Laughlin, Richard T 2020. Effect of Opioid Limiting Legislation on Postoperative Opioid Utilization in Patients Treated for Ankle Fractures. Foot & ankle orthopaedics, 5 4, 2473011420939501
Meeks, Brett D; Kiskaddon, Eric; Sirois, Zachary J; Froehle, Andrew; Shroyer, Jessica; Laughlin, Richard T 2020. Improvement and Retention of Arthroscopic Skills in Novice Subjects Using Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training (FAST) Module. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 28 12, 511-516
Glogovac, Georgina; Fitts, Jamal; Henning, Jordan; Dixon, Tonya L; Laughlin, Richard T 2019. Patterns in Opioid Prescription for Patients Operatively Treated for Ankle Fractures Following Implementation of 2017 Ohio Opioid Prescriber Law. Foot & ankle orthopaedics, 4 4, 2473011419891078
Hijji, Fady Y; Schneider, Andrew D; Pyper, Michael; Laughlin, Richard T 2019. The Popularity of Outcome Measures Used in the Foot and Ankle Literature. Foot & ankle specialist, , 1938640019826680
Meeks, Brett D; Kiskaddon, Eric M; Burton, Michael G; Froehle, Andrew W; Crosby, Lynn A; Laughlin, Richard T 2018. Update on Misrepresentation of Research Publications Among Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Applicants. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 100 18, e121
Boin, Michael A; Dorweiler, Matthew A; McMellen, Christopher J; Gould, Gregory C; Laughlin, Richard T 2017. Suture-Only Repair Versus Suture Anchor-Augmented Repair for Achilles Tendon Ruptures With a Short Distal Stump: A Biomechanical Comparison. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 5 1, 2325967116678722
Van Dyke, Rufus O; Chaudhary, Sejul A; Gould, Gregory; Trimba, Roman; Laughlin, Richard T 2017. Biomechanical Head-to-Head Comparison of 2 Sutures and the Giftbox Versus Bunnell Techniques for Midsubstance Achilles Tendon Ruptures. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 5 5, 2325967117707477
Trimba, Roman; Laughlin, Richard T; Krishnamurthy, Anil; Ross, Joseph S; Fox, Justin P 2016. Hospital-Based Acute Care After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: Implications for Quality Measurement. The Journal of arthroplasty, 31 3, 573-8.e2
Cavo, Matthew J; Fox, Justin P; Markert, Ronald; Laughlin, Richard T 2015. Association Between Diabetes, Obesity, and Short-Term Outcomes Among Patients Surgically Treated for Ankle Fracture. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 97 12, 987-94
DiPaolo, Zachary J; Ross, Matthew S; Laughlin, Richard T; Gould, Greg; Flower, Katie; Kiger, Lorrie; Markert, Ronald J 2015. Proximal phalanx and flexor digitorum longus tendon biomechanics in flexor to extensor tendon transfer. Foot & ankle international, 36 5, 585-90
Dundon, John M; Trimba, Roman; Bree, Kevin J; Woods, Charles J; Laughlin, Richard T 2015. Recommendations for Perioperative Management of Patients on Existing Anticoagulation Therapy. JBJS reviews, 3 9,
Estes, K; Cheruvu, Bharadwaj; Lawless, M; Laughlin, R; Goswami, T 2015. Risk assessment for anterior cruciate ligament injury. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135 10, 1437-43
Gundapaneni, Dinesh; Tsatalis, James T; Laughlin, Richard T; Goswami, Tarun 2015. Wear characteristics of WSU total ankle replacement devices under shear and torsion loads. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 44 , 202-23
Cox, Joseph T; Shorten, Peter L; Gould, Gregory C; Markert, Ronald J; Barnett, Michael D; Laughlin, Richard T 2014. Knotted versus knotless suture bridge repair of the achilles tendon insertion: a biomechanical study. The American journal of sports medicine, 42 11, 2727-33
Froehle, Andrew W; Laughlin, Richard T; Teel, Donovan D; Sherwood, Richard J; Duren, Dana L 2014. Excess body weight loss is associated with nonpathological gait patterns in women 4 to 5 years after bariatric surgery. Obesity surgery, 24 2, 253-9
Iossi, Michael F; Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Teel, Donovan D; Sherwood, Richard J; Laughlin, Richard T; Coffey, Michael J; Duren, Dana L 2013. Musculoskeletal function following bariatric surgery. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 21 6, 1104-10
Williams, Chad G; Coffey, Michael J; Shorten, Peter; Lyions, James D; Laughlin, Richard T 2013. Staged subtalar fusion for severe calcaneus fractures with bone loss. The open orthopaedics journal, 7 , 614-8
Dulaney-Cripe, Elizabeth; Hadaway, Scott; Bauman, Ryan; Trame, Cathy; Smith, Carole; Sillaman, Becky; Laughlin, Richard 2012. A continuous infusion fascia iliaca compartment block in hip fracture patients: a pilot study. Journal of clinical medicine research, 4 1, 45-8
Peters, Paul G; Laughlin, Richard T; Markert, Ronald J; Nelles, David B; Randall, Kyle L; Prayson, Michael J 2012. Timing of C-arm drape contamination. Surgical infections, 13 2, 110-3
Gayton, J Christopher; Burleson, Drew; Polenakovik, Hari; Laughlin, Richard T 2010. Avascular necrosis of the talus in a HIV-infected patient. Foot & ankle international, 31 12, 1111-4
Sensiba, Paul R; Coffey, Michael J; Williams, Nathan E; Mariscalco, Michael; Laughlin, Richard T 2010. Inter- and intraobserver reliability in the radiographic evaluation of adult flatfoot deformity. Foot & ankle international, 31 2, 141-5
Booth, Branyan A; Mistovich, Ronald J; Janout, Martin; Stills, Harold F; Laughlin, Richard T 2009. Fatty infiltration of the gastrocsoleus after tendo-achilles lengthening and gastrocnemius recession in a rabbit model. Foot & ankle international, 30 8, 778-82
Ely, Erin E; Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Laughlin, Richard T; Johnson, R Michael; Binski, James C 2009. Total dislocation of the talus and the navicular: a case report. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 23 7, 546-9
Grisoni, Nicolas; Foulk, David; Sprott, Dominic; Laughlin, Richard T 2008. Simultaneous bilateral hip fractures in a level I trauma center. The Journal of trauma, 65 1, 132-5
Hess, Matthew; Booth, Branyan; Laughlin, Richard T 2008. Calcaneal avulsion fractures: complications from delayed treatment. The American journal of emergency medicine, 26 2, 254.e1-4
Trame, Cathy D; Greene, Erin; Moddeman, Gail; Booth, Branyan A; Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Parada, Stephen; Siebuhr, Karl; Laughlin, Richard T 2008. Correlation of pain scores, analgesic use, and beck anxiety inventory scores during hospitalization in lower extremity amputees. The open orthopaedics journal, 2 , 145-50
Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Dalstrom, David J; Nelles, Meghann E; Laughlin, Richard T; Prayson, Michael J 2007. Diagnosis and management of extremity compartment syndromes: an orthopaedic perspective. The American surgeon, 73 12, 1199-209
Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Laughlin, Richard T; Markert, Ronald J; Crosby, Lynn A 2007. Follow-up on misrepresentation of research activity by orthopaedic residency applicants: has anything changed? The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 89 9, 2084-8
Gorman, Matthew; Ahluwalia, Gurpal; Laughlin, Richard 2005. Subtalar dislocation following ankle arthrodesis: a report of three cases. Foot & ankle international, 26 8, 656-9
Lawless, M W; Reveal, G T; Laughlin, R T 2001. Foot pressures during gait: a comparison of techniques for reducing pressure points. Foot & ankle international, 22 7, 594-7
Reveal, G T; Laughlin, R T; Capecci, P; Reeve, F M 2001. Foot and ankle survey in adults with diabetes mellitus. Foot & ankle international, 22 9, 739-43
Laughlin, R T; Reeve, F; Wright, D G; Mader, J T; Calhoun, J H 1997. Calcaneal osteomyelitis caused by nail puncture wounds. Foot & ankle international, 18 9, 575-7
Lawless, M W; Laughlin, R T; Wright, D G; Lemmon, G W; Rigano, W C 1997. Massive pelvis injuries treated with amputations: case reports and literature review. The Journal of trauma, 42 6, 1169-75
Reeve, F; Laughlin, R T; Wright, D G 1997. Endoscopic plantar fascia release: a cross-sectional anatomic study. Foot & ankle international, 18 7, 398-401
Laughlin, R T; Carson, J G; Calhoun, J H 1996. Displaced intra-articular calcaneus fractures treated with the Galveston plate. Foot & ankle international, 17 2, 71-8
Laughlin, R T; Werries, B A; Verhulst, S J; Hayes, J M 1996. Patellar tilt in total knee arthroplasty. American journal of orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.), 25 4, 300-4
Wright, D G; Taitsman, L; Laughlin, R T 1996. Pelvic and bladder trauma: a case report and subject review. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 10 5, 351-4
Laughlin, ; Calhoun, ; Mader, 1995. The Diabetic Foot. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 3 4, 218-225
Laughlin, R T; Calhoun, J H 1995. Ring fixators for reconstruction of traumatic disorders of the foot and ankle. The Orthopedic clinics of North America, 26 2, 287-94
Laughlin, R T; Wright, D G; Mader, J T; Calhoun, J H 1995. Osteomyelitis. Current opinion in rheumatology, 7 4, 315-21
Laughlin, R T; Sinha, A; Calhoun, J H; Mader, J T 1994. Osteomyelitis. Current opinion in rheumatology, 6 4, 401-7
Laughlin, R T; Chambers, R B 1993. Syme amputation in patients with severe diabetes mellitus. Foot & ankle, 14 2, 65-70
Laughlin, R T; Smith, K L; Russell, R C; Hayes, J M 1993. Late functional outcome in patients with tibia fractures covered with free muscle flaps. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 7 2, 123-9
Laughlin, R T; Smith, K L; Adair, D M 1992. Displacement of an uncemented acetabular component after dislocation of a total hip prosthesis. A case report. The Journal of arthroplasty, 7 3, 303-7
Gundapaneni D.; Laughlin R.; Goswami T. 12-01-2016. Characterization of retrieved total ankle replacement liners Engineering Failure Analysis, 70 , 237-254
Lawless M.W.; Laughlin R.T.; Kerpsack J.M.; Pisut D. 12-01-2000. Tobramycin elution from bone substitute Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 4 2, 129-134
Lawless M.W.; Laughlin R.T.; Kerpsack J.M.; Pisut D. 12-01-2000. Tobramycin elution from bone substitute Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 4 2, 129-134
Laughlin R.; Solomon S. 12-01-1999. Training in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 10 3, 213-217
Laughlin R.; Solomon S. 12-01-1999. Training in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 10 3, 213-217
Grannis K.; Cox J.; Graham M.; Laughlin R. 10-01-2013. Retained internal fixation as a cause for late prosthetic fitting problems in Ertl transtibial amput Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 25 4, 184-187
McCormack R.; Apostle K.; Boyer D.; Moola F.; Perey B.; Stone T.; Viskontas D.; Michael Lemke H.; Zomar M.; Moon K.; Moon R.; Oatt A.; Buckley R.E.; Duffy P.; Korley R.; Puloski S.; Johnston K.; Powell J.; Carcary K.; Sanders D.; Lawendy A.; Tieszer C.; Stephen D.; Kreder H.; Jenkinson R.; Nousiainen M.; Axelrod T.; Murnaghan J.; Nam D.; Wadey V.; Yee A.; Milner K.; Kunz M.; Schemitsch E.H.; Ahn H.; Hall J.A.; McKee M.D.; Whelan D.B.; Nauth A.; Vicente M.R.; Wild L.M.; Khan R.M.; Hidy J.T.; Coles C.; Leighton R.; Biddulph M.; Johnston D.; Glazebrook M.; Alexander D.; Coady C.; Dunbar M.; Amirault D.; Gross M.; Oxner W.; Reardon G.; Richardson G.; Trenholm A.; Wong I.; Trask K.; MacDonald S.; Dobbin G.; Bicknell R.; Yach J.; Bardana D.; Wood G.; Harrison M.; Yen D.; Lambert S.; Howells F.; Ward A.; Zalzal P.; Brien H.; Naumetz V.; Weening B.; Simunovic N.; Wai E.K.; Papp S.; Gofton W.T.; Liew A.; Kingwell S.P.; Johnson G.; O’Neil J.; Roffey D.M.; Borsella V.; Avram V.; Oliver T.M.; Jones V.; Jones C.B.; Ringler J.R.; Endres T.J.; Sietsema D.L.; Jeray K.J.; Scott Broderick J.; Goetz D.R.; Pace T.B.; Schaller T.M.; Porter S.E.; Tanner S.L.; Snider R.G. 09-26-2014. Fixation using alternative implants for the treatment of hip fractures (FAITH): Design and rationale BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15 1,
Dundon J.M.; Trimba R.; Bree K.J.; Woods C.J.; Laughlin R.T. 09-01-2015. Recommendations for perioperative management of patients on existing anticoagulation therapy JBJS Reviews, 3 9, 1-10
Shah N.S.; Umeda Y.; Suriel Peguero E.; Erwin J.T.; Laughlin R. 07-01-2021. Outcome Reporting in Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 60 4, 770-776
Iossi M.F.; Konstantakos E.K.; Teel D.D.; Sherwood R.J.; Laughlin R.T.; Coffey M.J.; Duren D.L. 06-01-2013. Musculoskeletal function following bariatric surgery Obesity, 21 6, 1104-1110
Sprague S.; Schemitsch E.H.; Swiontkowski M.; Della Rocca G.J.; Jeray K.J.; Liew S.; Slobogean G.P.; Bzovsky S.; Heels-Ansdell D.; Zhou Q.; Bhandari M.; Sprag S.; Devereaux P.J.; Guyatt G.; Heetveld M.J.; Richardson M.; Thabane L.; Tornetta P.; Walter S.D.; McKay P.; Scott T.; Garibaldi A.; Viveiros H.; Swinton M.; Gichuru M.; Buckingham L.; Duraikannan A.; Maddock D.; Simunovic N.; Agel J.; Van Lieshout E.M.M.; Zielinski S.M.; Rangan A.; Hanusch B.C.; Kottam L.; Clarkson R.; Haverlag R.; McCormack R.; Apostle K.; Boyer D.; Moola F.; Perey B.; Stone T.; Viskontas D.; Lemke H.M.; Zomar M.; Moon K.; Moon R.; Oatt A.; Buckley R.E.; Duffy P.; Korley R.; Puloski S.; Powell J.; Johnston K.; Carcary K.; Lorenzo M.; McKercher R.; Sanders D.; MacLeod M.; Lawendy A.R.; Tieszer C.; Stephen D.; Kreder H.; Jenkinson R.; Nousiainen M.; Axelrod T.; Murnaghan J.; Nam D.; Wadey V.; Yee A.; Milner K.; Kunz M.; Ghent W.; McKee M.D.; Hall J.A.; Nauth A.; Ahn H.; Whelan D.B.; Vicente M.R.; Wild L.M.; Khan R.M.; Hidy J.T.; Coles C.; Leighton R.; Biddulph M.; Johnston D.; Glazebrook M.; Alexander D.; Coady C.; Dunbar M.; Amirault J.D.; Gross M.; Oxner W.; Reardon G.; Richardson C.G.; Trenholm J.A.; Wong I.; Trask K.; MacDonald S. 05-01-2018. Factors Associated with Revision Surgery after Internal Fixation of Hip Fractures Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 32 5, 223-230
van Dyke R.O.; Chaudhary S.A.; Gould G.; Trimba R.; Laughlin R.T. 05-01-2017. Biomechanical head-to-head comparison of 2 sutures and the giftbox versus bunnell techniques for mid Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 5 5,
Calhoun J.; Laughlin R. 04-19-2016. Fractures of the foot and ankle: Diagnosis and treatment of injury and disease Fractures of the Foot and Ankle: Diagnosis and Treatment of Injury and Disease, , 1-485
Guidry M.; Hutchinson B.; Laughlin R.T.; Ma H.; Calhoun J.H. 04-19-2016. Posttraumatic infections in the foot and ankle Fractures of the Foot and Ankle: Diagnosis and Treatment of Injury and Disease, , 345-370
Laughlin R.T. 04-19-2016. Pilon fractures Fractures of the Foot and Ankle: Diagnosis and Treatment of Injury and Disease, , 27-47
Hamandi F.; Laughlin R.; Goswami T. 04-18-2018. Failure analysis of PHILOS plate construct used for pantalar arthrodesis paper II—screws and FEM sim Metals, 8 4,
Nauth A.; Creek A.T.; Zellar A.; Lawendy A.R.; Dowrick A.; Gupta A.; Dadi A.; van Kampen A.; Yee A.; de Vries A.C.; de Mol van Otterloo A.; Garibaldi A.; Liew A.; McIntyre A.W.; Prasad A.S.; Romero A.W.; Rangan A.; Oatt A.; Sanghavi A.; Foley A.L.; Karlsten A.; Dolenc A.; Bucknill A.; Chia A.; Evans A.; Gong A.; Schmidt A.H.; Marcantonio A.J.; Jennings A.; Ward A.; Khanna A.; Rai A.; Smits A.B.; Horan A.D.; Brekke A.C.; Flynn A.; Duraikannan A.; Stødle A.; van Vugt A.B.; Luther A.; Zurcher A.W.; Jain A.; Amundsen A.; Moaveni A.; Carr A.; Sharma A.; Hill A.D.; Trommer A.; Rai B.S.; Hileman B.; Schreurs B.; Verhoeven B.; Barden B.B.; Flatøy B.; Cleffken B.I.; Bøe B.; Perey B.; Hanusch B.C.; Weening B.; Fioole B.; Rijbroek B.; Crist B.D.; Halliday B.; Peterson B.; Mullis B.; Richardson C.G.; Clark C.; Sagebien C.A.; van der Pol C.C.; Bowler C.; Humphrey C.A.; Coady C.; Koppert C.L.; Coles C.; Tannoury C.; DePaolo C.J.; Gayton C.; Herriott C.; Reeves C.; Tieszer C.; Dobb C.; Anderson C.G.; Sage C.; Cuento C.; Jones C.B.; Bosman C.H.R.; Linehan C.; van der Hart C.P.; Henderson C.; Lewis C.G.; Davis C.A.; Donohue C.; Mauffrey C.; Sundaresh D.C.; Farrell D.J.; Whelan D.B.; Horwitz D.; Stinner D.; Viskontas D.; Roffey D.M. 04-15-2017. Fracture fixation in the operative management of hip fractures (FAITH): an international, multicentr The Lancet, 389 10078, 1519-1527
Ina J.; Vallentyne M.; Hamandi F.; Shugart K.; Boin M.; Laughlin R.; Goswami T. 03-13-2018. Failure analysis of PHILOS plate construct used for pantalar arthrodesis paper i—analysis of the pla Metals, 8 3,
Gundapaneni D.; Tsatalis J.T.; Laughlin R.T.; Goswami T. 03-04-2019. Simulation of ankle joint kinematics in sagittal plane using passive imaging data–a pilot study Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization, 7 2, 162-174
Hamandi F.; Simon G.; Laughlin R.; Goswami T. 03-01-2020. Biomechanical behavior of a variable angle locked tibiotalocalcaneal construct Bioengineering, 7 1,
Lee J.; Williams C.; Lowrey C.; Gould G.; Markert R.; Laughlin R. 02-01-2017. Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer Fixation: A Biomechanical Analysis of the Effects of a Termin Foot and Ankle Specialist, 10 1, 31-36
Boin M.; Dorweiler M.; McMellen C.; Gould G.; Laughlin R. 01-04-2017. Suture-Only Repair Versus Suture Anchor–Augmented Repair for Achilles Tendon Ruptures With a Short D Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 5 1,
Shea P.; O'Hara N.N.; Sprague S.A.; Bhandari M.; Petrisor B.A.; Jeray K.J.; Zhan M.; Slobogean G.P.; Pensy R.A.; Guyatt G.H.; Walter S.D.; Schemitsch E.H.; Tornetta P.; Anglen J.; Bosse M.; Liew S.; Sancheti P.; McKay P.; Madden K.; Tai K.; Heels-Ansdell D.; Buckingham L.; Duraikannan A.; Tanner S.L.; Snider R.G.; Altman D.; Gandhi R.; Bischoff M.; Rocca G.J.D.; Ristevski B.; Rajaratnam K.; Williams D.; Denkers M.; Bednar D.; Sadler J.; Kwok D.; Drew B.; Wong I.; Hall J.A.; McKee M.D.; Ahn H.; Whelan D.; Waddell J.; Daniels T.; Bogoch E.; Nauth A.; Vicente M.R.; Hidy J.T.; Sanders D.; Lawendy A.R.; Gurr K.; Carey T.; Bailey C.; Macleod M.; Bartley D.; Tieszer C.; Coles C.; Leighton R.; Richardson C.G.; Biddulph M.; Gross M.; Dunbar M.; Amirault J.D.; Alexander D.; Coady C.; Glazebrook M.; Johnston D.; Oxner W.; Trenholm J.A.; Reardon G.; Trask K.; MacDonald S.; Papp S.; Gofton W.; Kingwell S.; O'Neill J.; Johnson G.; Wai E.; Foxall J.; Broekhuyse H.M.; O'Brien P.J.; Blachut P.A.; Lefaivre K.A.; Johal R.; Leduc S.; Laflamme G.Y.; Beaumont P.; Malo M.; Benoit B.; Rouleau D.; Ranger P.; Fournier J.; Tardif K.; Reindl R.; Berry G.; Harvey E.; Fisher W.; Burman M.; Martineau P.; Lenczner E. 01-01-2018. Wound surface area as a risk factor for flap complications among patients with open fractures Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 142 1, 228-236
Boin M.; Narayanan S.; Duren D.; Dorweiler M.; Lee J.; Froehle A.; Laughlin R. 01-01-2017. Factors predicting admission to extended care facility after distal femoral fracture Current Orthopaedic Practice, 28 4, 388-392
Froehle A.W.; Laughlin R.T.; Sherwood R.J.; Duren D.L. 01-01-2017. Gait Patterns After Bariatric Surgery Metabolism and Pathophysiology of Bariatric Surgery: Nutrition, Procedures, Outcomes and Adverse Effects, , 553-562
Buerk A.; Vitello W.; Laughlin R. 01-01-2000. Advances in wound healing Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 11 2, 92-98
Buerk A.; Vitello W.; Laughlin R. 01-01-2000. Advances in wound healing Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 11 2, 92-98
Laughlin R.; Mader J.; Calhoun J.; Foad A. 01-01-1999. Calcaneal osteomyelitis: An analysis of aetiology and pathogenic organisms Foot and Ankle Surgery, 5 3, 171-177
Laughlin R.; Mader J.; Calhoun J.; Foad A. 01-01-1999. Calcaneal osteomyelitis: An analysis of aetiology and pathogenic organisms Foot and Ankle Surgery, 5 3, 171-177
Laughlin R.; Wenzke D. 01-01-1998. Foot and ankle orthotics Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 9 3, 30-36
Laughlin R.; Wenzke D. 01-01-1998. Foot and ankle orthotics Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 9 3, 30-36
Lawless M.; Laughlin R. 01-01-1998. Cutaneous innervation of the medial dorsal aspects of the first toe: An anatomic study Foot and Ankle Surgery, 4 3, 119-121
Lawless M.; Laughlin R. 01-01-1998. Cutaneous innervation of the medial dorsal aspects of the first toe: An anatomic study Foot and Ankle Surgery, 4 3, 119-121
Welker M.; Laughlin R. 01-01-1997. Standard foot and ankle texts Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 8 3, 35-39
Welker M.; Laughlin R. 01-01-1997. Standard foot and ankle texts Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 8 3, 35-39
Laughlin R.; Hartson J.; Wright D. 01-01-1996. Training in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 7 3, 75-80
Laughlin R.; Hartson J.; Wright D. 01-01-1996. Training in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 7 3, 75-80
Fisk J.R.; Peterson H.A.; Laughlin R.; Lutz R. 01-01-1995. Spontaneous fusion in scoliosis after instrumentation without arthrodesis Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 15 2, 182-186
Fisk J.R.; Peterson H.A.; Laughlin R.; Lutz R. 01-01-1995. Spontaneous fusion in scoliosis after instrumentation without arthrodesis Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 15 2, 182-186
Laughlin R.; Wright D. 01-01-1995. Measures of outcome in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 6 3, 78-82
Laughlin R.; Wright D. 01-01-1995. Measures of outcome in foot and ankle surgery Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 6 3, 78-82
Deister, Jacob; Cothern, Brian G; Williams, Chad; Froehle, Andrew W; Laughlin, Richard T . Factors Predicting Length of Hospital Stay and Extended Care Facility Admission After Hindfoot Arthrodesis Procedures. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 56 4, 805-812
Kiskaddon, Eric M; Meeks, Brett D; Roberts, Joseph G; Laughlin, Richard T . Plantar Fascia Release Through a Single Lateral Incision in the Operative Management of a Cavovarus Foot: A Cadaver Model Analysis of the Operative Technique. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 57 4, 681-684
Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Laughlin, Richard T; Markert, Ronald J; Crosby, Lynn A . Assuring the research competence of orthopedic graduates. Journal of surgical education, 67 3, 129-34
Konstantakos, Emmanuel K; Miller, Sidney F; Dalstrom, David J; Shapiro, Marti L; Laughlin, Richard T . Uniplanar external fixation for care of circumferential extremity burn wounds in adults. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, 28 6, 892-6
Meeks, Brett D; Kiskaddon, Eric M; Erb, Eric; Gould, Greg; Froehle, Andrew; Laughlin, Richard T . Biomechanical Comparison of Tape Versus Suture in Simulated Achilles Tendon Midsubstance Rupture. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 60 4, 697-701
Randall, Kyle L; Booth, Branyan A; Miller, Adrian J; Russell, Corey B; Laughlin, Richard T . Use of an acellular regenerative tissue matrix in combination with vacuum-assisted closure therapy for treatment of a diabetic foot wound. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 47 5, 430-3