Didactic Structure
Our extensive four year curriculum includes over 340 lectures designed to cover all content areas of the ABPN Certification Exam in Psychiatry and ensure competency in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. It also includes other topics relevant to the practice of psychiatry and the professional development of our residents.
All Years
Grand Rounds (Wednesdays September-May excluding 1st Wednesday of the month)
During all four years, residents attend weekly Psychiatry Grand Rounds. We have four privately sponsored Grand Rounds which bring international speakers but also have a wealth of local/regional faculty who present their research or clinical work often enlisting residents assistance in the presentation. Grand Rounds are currently conducted virtually on Webex.
Psychiatry Journal Club (one Thursday per Month)
Residents choose articles and are assigned a faculty discussant who co-facilitates a critical review of the selected article to help attendees learn to critically review methodology, results and clinical application of the material. This conference is attended by faculty, residents, medical students, graduate students, and research staff. These are currently conducted virtually through WebEx. Each Fellowship program also holds a monthly journal club which residents are welcome but not required to attend.
Process Group (every other Thursday)
Residents participate in an experiential group led by a psychologist where residents are given the opportunity to process various emotional and psychological aspects of residency training while learning group dynamics. These are currently conducted virtually through WebEx.
Morbidity Mortality and Improvement (every other month)
Each Fourth year resident selects a case to present at this conference which is attended by multi-disciplinary hospital staff and residents in all four years. Cases are reviewed using the Cause and Effect model of Quality Improvement. At the end of the conference there is an action plan created with assigned tasks aimed to improve patient care. These are currently conducted through WebEx.
Supervision is an integral component of teaching at the University of Cincinnati. During hospital-based rotations, residents receive two hours of supervision with their faculty supervisor. At least one of those hours is one on one with the attending.
During the outpatient clinical experiences, residents receive four hours of individual supervision in psychopharmacology management and two - three hours of psychotherapy supervision in a variety of modalities including psychodynamic, supportive and cognitive-behavioral therapies.
Faculty from our department, the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute and private practice clinicians in the Cincinnati area are among the many supervisors available to our residents. Family and couples therapy supervision is also available.
Contact Us
Department ofPsychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Stetson Building Suite 3200
260 Stetson Street
PO Box 670559
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0559