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Photo of Nancy K. Kleene

Nancy K. Kleene


Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neurobiology | College of Medicine

  • PhD: Virginia Commonwealth University (Physiology)
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Kleene, Steven J; Kleene, Nancy K 2021. Inward Ca2+ current through the polycystin-2-dependent channels of renal primary cilia. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 320 6, F1165-F1173

Kleene, Steven J; Siroky, Brian J; Landero-Figueroa, Julio A; Dixon, Bradley P; Pachciarz, Nolan W; Lu, Lu; Kleene, Nancy K 2019. The TRPP2-dependent channel of renal primary cilia also requires TRPM3. PloS one, 14 3, e0214053

Kleene, Nicholas J; Michel, Melchi M 2018. The capacity of trans-saccadic memory in visual search. Psychological review, 125 3, 391-408

Kleene, Steven J; Kleene, Nancy K 2017. The native TRPP2-dependent channel of murine renal primary cilia. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 312 1, F96-F108

Siroky, Brian J; Kleene, Nancy K; Kleene, Steven J; Varnell, Charles D; Comer, Raven G; Liu, Jialiu; Lu, Lu; Pachciarz, Nolan W; Bissler, John J; Dixon, Bradley P 2017. Primary cilia regulate the osmotic stress response of renal epithelial cells through TRPM3. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 312 4, F791-F805

Flannery, Richard J; Kleene, Nancy K; Kleene, Steven J 2015. A TRPM4-dependent current in murine renal primary cilia. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 309 8, F697-707

Arthur, Joeanna C; Philbeck, John W; Kleene, Nicholas J; Chichka, David 2012. The role of spatial memory and frames of reference in the precision of angular path integration. Acta psychologica, 141 1, 112-21

Griff, Edwin R; Kleene, Nancy K; Kleene, Steven J 2012. A selective PMCA inhibitor does not prolong the electroolfactogram in mouse. PloS one, 7 5, e37148

Kleene, Nancy K; Kleene, Steven J 2012. A method for measuring electrical signals in a primary cilium. Cilia, 1 , 17

Nickell, William T; Kleene, Nancy K; Kleene, Steven J 2007. Mechanisms of neuronal chloride accumulation in intact mouse olfactory epithelium. The Journal of physiology, 583 Pt 3, 1005-20

Nickell, William T; Kleene, Nancy K; Gesteland, Robert C; Kleene, Steven J 2006. Neuronal chloride accumulation in olfactory epithelium of mice lacking NKCC1. Journal of neurophysiology, 95 3, 2003-6

Talreja, P; Kleene, N K; Pickens, W L; Wang, T F; Kasting, G B 2001. Visualization of the lipid barrier and measurement of lipid pathlength in human stratum corneum. AAPS pharmSci, 3 2, E13