Harvey EA, Farbos de Luzan C, Sarber MK, Khosla S and Howell RJ 11-15-2019. Measuring Inhalational Glottal Opening to Evaluate Surgical Outcomes in Adult-onset Laryngomalacia: A Novel Method for a Rare Entity American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2 10,
Farbos de Luzan C.; Oren L.; Gutmark E.; Khosla S.M. 11-01-2021. Quantification of the Intraglottal Pressure Induced by Flow Separation Vortices Using Large Eddy Sim Journal of Voice, 35 6, 822-831
Jiang W.; Zheng X.; Farbos de Luzan C.; Oren L.; Gutmark E.; Xue Q. 10-01-2023. The Effects of Negative Pressure Induced by Flow Separation Vortices on Vocal Fold Dynamics during V Bioengineering, 10 10,
Oren L.; Khosla S.; Farbos de Luzan C.; Gutmark E. 09-01-2021. Effects of False Vocal Folds on Intraglottal Velocity Fields Journal of Voice, 35 5, 695-702
Tomac M.N.; de Luzan C.F. 08-01-2020. Synchronization of a Pair of Opposed Facing Oscillators in a Side-by-Side Configuration International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 84 ,
Farbos de Luzan C.; Maddox A.; Oren L.; Gutmark E.; Howell R.J.; Khosla S.M. 06-01-2021. Impact of Vertical Stiffness Gradient on the Maximum Divergence Angle Laryngoscope, 131 6, E1934-E1940
de Alarcón A.; Zacharias S.; Oren L.; de Luzan C.F.; Tabangin M.E.; Cohen A.P.; Roetting N.J.; Fleck R.J. 04-01-2019. Endoscopic posterior cricoid reduction: A surgical method to improve posterior glottic diastasis Laryngoscope, 129 S2, S1-S9
Anand V.;St. George A.;Farbos de Luzan C.;Gutmark E. 04-01-2018. Rotating detonation wave mechanics through ethylene-air mixtures in hollow combustors, and implicati Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 92 , 314-325
Maddox A.; Oren L.; Farbos de Luzan C.; Howell R.; Gutmark E.; Khosla S. 03-01-2023. An Ex-vivo Model Examining Acoustics and Aerodynamic Effects Following Medialization With and Withou Laryngoscope, 133 3, 621-627
Jiang W.; Farbos De Luzan C.; Wang X.; Oren L.; Khosla S.M.; Xue Q.; Zheng X. 02-01-2022. Computational Modeling of Voice Production Using Excised Canine Larynx Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144 2,
Farbos de Luzan C.;Oren L.;Maddox A.;Gutmark E.;Khosla S. 02-01-2020. Volume velocity in a canine larynx model using time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry Experiments in Fluids, 61 2,
Farbos de Luzan C.;Villalva R.;Felten F.;Gutmark E. 01-15-2019. Computational Study of the Velocity Fields and Pressure Differential in a Reynolds-Number-Sensitive Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 102 1, 221-234
Sundström E.; Oren L.; Farbos de Luzan C.; Gutmark E.; Khosla S. 01-01-2022. Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Aerodynamic and Elasticity Forces During Vocal Fold Vibratio Journal of Voice, ,
Endrikat S.; Roentsch B.; Little J.; Taubert L.; Wygnanski I.; de Luzan C.F.; Gutmark E. 01-01-2016. Physics and control of the flow over a generic trapezoidal wing planform 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0 ,
Farbos de Luzan C.;Chen J.;Mihaescu M.;Khosla S.;Gutmark E. 01-01-2015. Computational study of false vocal folds effects on unsteady airflows through static models of the h Journal of Biomechanics, 48 7, 1248-1257
De Luzan C.F.;Perelstein Y.;Gutmark E.;Frosell T.;Felten F. 01-01-2014. Numerical investigation of the flow in a coaxial piping system American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM, 1A ,
Perelstein Y.;Gancedo M.;De Luzan C.;Gutmark E.;Frosell T. 01-01-2014. Experimental study of confined turbulent vortical flow in a narrow annulus American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM, 2 ,