- Fellowship: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery)
- Visiting Fellowship: Goore Schuur Hospital and Red Cross Children's Hospital
- Fellowship: Harvard University, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Massachusetts General, Children's Hospital Boston (Upper Extremity Surgery)
- Residency: Mount Sinai Hospital (Orthopaedic Surgery)
- Medical Degree: Columbia University (Medicine)
- Medical Sciences Building
- Email cornwarr@ucmail.uc.edu
Peer Reviewed Publications
Abzug, Joshua M; Dua, Karan; Bauer, Andrea Sesko; Cornwall, Roger; Wyrick, Theresa O 2016. Pediatric Phalanx Fractures. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 24 11, e174-e183
Bjorklund, Kim; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger 2016. Medical Trainee Continuity of Care Following Emergency Department Consultations in a Pediatric Hospital. Journal of graduate medical education, 8 1, 33-8
Eismann, Emily A; Laor, Tal; Cornwall, Roger 2016. Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Glenohumeral Dysplasia in Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 98 2, 142-51
Fader, Lauren M; Laor, Tal; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin J 2016. Eccentric Capitellar Ossification Limits the Utility of the Radiocapitellar Line in Young Children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 36 2, 161-6
Little, Kevin J; Cornwall, Roger 2016. Congenital Anomalies of the Hand-Principles of Management. The Orthopedic clinics of North America, 47 1, 153-68
Murphy, Hamadi A; Jain, Viral V; Parikh, Shital N; Wall, Eric J; Cornwall, Roger; Mehlman, Charles T 2016. Extensor Tendon Injury Associated With Dorsal Entry Flexible Nailing of Radial Shaft Fractures in Children: A Report of 5 New Cases and Review of the Literature. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, ,
Cheng, Wei; Cornwall, Roger; Crouch, Dustin L; Li, Zhongyu; Saul, Katherine R 2015. Contributions of muscle imbalance and impaired growth to postural and osseous shoulder deformity following brachial plexus birth palsy: a computational simulation analysis. The Journal of hand surgery, 40 6, 1170-6
Eismann, Emily A; Little, Kevin J; Laor, Tal; Cornwall, Roger 2015. Glenohumeral abduction contracture in children with unresolved neonatal brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 97 2, 112-8
Nikolaou, Sia; Hu, Liangjun; Cornwall, Roger 2015. Afferent Innervation, Muscle Spindles, and Contractures Following Neonatal Brachial Plexus Injury in a Mouse Model. The Journal of hand surgery, 40 10, 2007-16
Cornwall, Roger 2014. In reply. The Journal of hand surgery, 39 11, 2346
Eismann, Emily A; Bauer, Andrea; Kozin, Scott H; Louden, Emily; Cornwall, Roger 2014. The relationship between medical malpractice litigation and parent reports of patient function following neonatal brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 96 5, 373-9
Fader, Lauren M; Laor, Tal; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin J 2014. MR imaging of capitellar ossification: a study in children of different ages. Pediatric radiology, 44 8, 963-70
Little, Kevin J; Zlotolow, Dan A; Soldado, Francisco; Cornwall, Roger; Kozin, Scott H 2014. Early functional recovery of elbow flexion and supination following median and/or ulnar nerve fascicle transfer in upper neonatal brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 96 3, 215-21
Matzon, Jonas L; Cornwall, Roger 2014. A stepwise algorithm for surgical treatment of type II displaced pediatric phalangeal neck fractures. The Journal of hand surgery, 39 3, 467-73
Nikolaou, Sia; Liangjun, Hu; Tuttle, Lori J; Weekley, Holly; Christopher, Wylie; Lieber, Richard L; Cornwall, Roger 2014. Contribution of denervated muscle to contractures after neonatal brachial plexus injury: not just muscle fibrosis. Muscle & nerve, 49 3, 398-404
Cornwall, Roger 2013. The controversy continues: commentary on an article by Ryan M. Zimmerman, MD, et al.: "Surgical management of pediatric radial neck fractures". The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 95 20, e157
Eismann, Emily A; Little, Kevin J; Kunkel, Samuel T; Cornwall, Roger 2013. Clinical research fails to support more aggressive management of pediatric upper extremity fractures. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 95 15, 1345-50
Cornwall, Roger 2012. Pediatric finger fractures: which ones turn ugly? Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 32 Suppl 1 , S25-31
Lippert, William C; Mehlman, Charles T; Cornwall, Roger; Foad, Mohab B; Laor, Tal; Anton, Christopher G; Welge, Jeffrey A 2012. The intrarater and interrater reliability of glenoid version and glenohumeral subluxation measurements in neonatal brachial plexus palsy. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 32 4, 378-84
Reading, Brenton D; Laor, Tal; Salisbury, Shelia R; Lippert, William C; Cornwall, Roger 2012. Quantification of humeral head deformity following neonatal brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 94 18, e136(1-8)
Weekley, Holly; Nikolaou, Sia; Hu, Liangjun; Eismann, Emily; Wylie, Christopher; Cornwall, Roger 2012. The effects of denervation, reinnervation, and muscle imbalance on functional muscle length and elbow flexion contracture following neonatal brachial plexus injury. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 30 8, 1335-42
Frawley, Kieran J; Anton, Christopher G; Zbojniewicz, Andrew M; Cornwall, Roger 2011. CT evaluation of extensor tendon entrapment as a complication of a distal radial fracture in a child. Pediatric radiology, 41 11, 1472-5
Kunkel, Samuel; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin; Jain, Viral; Mehlman, Charles; Tamai, Junichi 2011. Limitations of the radiocapitellar line for assessment of pediatric elbow radiographs. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 31 6, 628-32
Nikolaou, Sia; Peterson, Elizabeth; Kim, Annie; Wylie, Christopher; Cornwall, Roger 2011. Impaired growth of denervated muscle contributes to contracture formation following neonatal brachial plexus injury. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 93 5, 461-70
Cornwall, Roger 2006. Finger metacarpal fractures and dislocations in children. Hand clinics, 22 1, 1-10
Cornwall, Roger; Ricchetti, Eric T 2006. Pediatric phalanx fractures: unique challenges and pitfalls. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 445 , 146-56
Cornwall, Roger; Gilbert, Marvin S; Koval, Kenneth J; Strauss, Elton; Siu, Albert L 2004. Functional outcomes and mortality vary among different types of hip fractures: a function of patient characteristics. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 425, 64-71
Cornwall, Roger; Koris, Mark J; Jupiter, Jesse B 2004. Wrist joint ganglion presenting as a painless mass in the palm: report of 2 cases. The Journal of hand surgery, 29 2, 289-92
Cornwall, Roger; Waters, Peter M 2004. Remodeling of phalangeal neck fracture malunions in children: case report. The Journal of hand surgery, 29 3, 458-61
Eisler, Jesse; Cornwall, Roger; Strauss, Elton; Koval, Kenneth; Siu, Albert; Gilbert, Marvin 2003. Outcomes of elderly patients with nondisplaced femoral neck fractures. 2002. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 17 8 Suppl, S31-7
Capozzi, James D; Rhodes, Rosamond; Cornwall, Roger 2002. Bedside rationing. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 84-A 7, 1279-81
Cornwall, Roger; Yang, Edward C 2002. Upper extremity deep venous thrombosis following antegrade femoral nailing: case report and venographic study of operative positioning. Orthopedics, 25 12, 1395-7
Eisler, Jesse; Cornwall, Roger; Strauss, Elton; Koval, Kenneth; Siu, Albert; Gilbert, Marvin 2002. Outcomes of elderly patients with nondisplaced femoral neck fractures. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 399, 52-8
Miller, Suzanne L; Hazrati, Yassamin; Cornwall, Roger; Hayes, Patrick; Gothelf, Todd; Gladstone, James L; Flatow, Evan L 2002. Failed surgical management of partial thickness rotator cuff tears. Orthopedics, 25 11, 1255-7
Cornwall, R D; Dolan, W M 1975. Radicular back pain following lumbar epidural blood patch. Anesthesiology, 43 6, 692-3
Cornwall R. 12-05-2001. How well do you know the back of your hand? Toward evidence-based knowledge Journal of Hand Surgery, 26 6, 1003-1008
Cornwall R. 12-01-2011. Pediatric hand injuries Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, , 161-167
Murphy H.A.;Jain V.V.;Parikh S.N.;Wall E.J.;Cornwall R.;Mehlman C.T. 11-07-2016. Extensor Tendon Injury Associated With Dorsal Entry Flexible Nailing of Radial Shaft Fractures in Ch Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, ,
Abzug J.;Dua K.;Bauer A.;Cornwall R.;Wyrick T. 11-01-2016. Pediatric Phalanx Fractures Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 24 11,
Miller S.;Hazrati Y.;Cornwall R.;Hayes P.;Gothelf T.;Gladstone J.;Flatow E. 11-01-2002. Failed surgical management of partial thickness rotator cuff tears Orthopedics, 25 11, 1255-1258
Cornwall R. 10-16-2013. The controversy continues: Commentary on an article by Ryan M. Zimmerman, MD, et al.: "surgical mana Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 95 20, e1571-e1572
Kunkel S.;Eismann E.;Cornwall R. 10-01-2011. Utility of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument for assessing acute hand and wrist inju Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 31 7, 767-772
Gilbert M.;Cornwall R. 09-15-2001. The history of synoviorthesis in haemophilia Haemophilia, 7 SUPPL. 2, 3-5
Cornwall R.;Radomisli T.;Rodríguez-Merchán E.;Goddard N. 08-22-2000. Nerve injury in traumatic dislocation of the hip Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 377, 84-91
Yang E.;Cornwall R.;Rodríguez-Merchán E.;Goddard N. 08-22-2000. Initial treatment of traumatic hip dislocations in the adult Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 377, 24-31
Cornwall R. 04-24-2001. Teaching professionalism in orthopaedic residency Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 83 4, 626-628
Cornwall R. 03-01-2010. The painful wrist in the pediatric athlete Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 30 SUPPL. 2, S13-S16
Cornwall R. 02-13-2012. Release of the A1 pulley to correct congenital trigger thumb Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Pediatric Surgery, , 341-345
Cornwall R. 02-13-2012. Release of the A1 pulley to correct congenital trigger thumb Operative Techniques in Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Surgery, , 960-964
Frances J.M.;Cornwall R. 02-13-2012. Closed, percutaneous, and open reduction of radial head and neck fractures Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Pediatric Surgery, , 33-40
Fader L.;Laor T.;Eismann E.;Cornwall R.;Little K. 01-01-2016. Eccentric capitellar ossification limits the utility of the radiocapitellar line in young children Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 36 2, 161-166
Cheng W.;Cornwall R.;Crouch D.;Li Z.;Saul K. 01-01-2015. Contributions of muscle imbalance and impaired growth to postural and osseous shoulder deformity fol Journal of Hand Surgery, 40 6, 1170-1176
Cornwall R. 01-01-2015. Glenohumeral joint secondary procedures for obstetrical brachial plexus birth palsy The Pediatric Upper Extremity, , 633-651
Nikolaou S.;Hu L.;Cornwall R. 01-01-2015. Afferent innervation, muscle spindles, and contractures following neonatal brachial plexus injury in Journal of Hand Surgery, 40 10, 2007-2016
Cornwall, Roger; Hausman, Michael R . Implanted neuroprostheses for restoration of hand function in tetraplegic patients. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 12 2, 72-9
Eismann, Emily A; Lucky, Anne W; Cornwall, Roger . Hand function and quality of life in children with epidermolysis bullosa. Pediatric dermatology, 31 2, 176-82
Kunkel, Samuel; Eismann, Emily; Cornwall, Roger . Utility of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument for assessing acute hand and wrist injuries in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 31 7, 767-72
Parikh, Shital N; d'Heurle, Albert; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger . The value of interpretation of intraoperative fluoroscopy by radiologists during pediatric fracture treatment. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 34 3, 359-61