- Certificate: Montefiore-Einstein Center for Bioethics (Bioethics)
- M.D.: Indiana University School of Medicine
- M.S.: University Indianapolis (Biology)
- B.A.: Hanover College
American Board of Family Medicine (Hospice and Palliative Medicine) (Certification Date: 2012-10-05) - (Recertification Date: 2023-01-01)
Family Medicine
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
- Medical Sciences Building
- Office 513-558-4021
- Email benderma@ucmail.uc.edu
Clinical Interests
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Palliative Care
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bender, Melissa A; Kummet, Carol; Buck, Laura; Schlenker, Kathryn; Meagher, Ashley D; Marchand, Lucille 2020. Narrative Quilting. Journal of palliative medicine, 23 3, 428-429
Bender, Melissa A; Andrilla, C Holly A; Sharma, Rashmi K; Hurd, Caroline; Solvang, Nicole; Mae-Baldwin, Laura 2019. Moral Distress and Attitudes About Timing Related to Comfort Care for Hospitalized Patients: A Survey of Inpatient Providers and Nurses. The American journal of hospice & palliative care, 36 11, 967-973
Bender, Melissa A; Kummet, Carol; Merel, Susan 2018. Grieve and Light a Virtual Candle. Journal of palliative medicine, 21 7, 895-896
Bender, Melissa A; Hurd, Caroline; Solvang, Nicole; Colagrossi, Kathy; Matsuwaka, Diane; Curtis, J Randall 2017. A New Generation of Comfort Care Order Sets: Aligning Protocols with Current Principles. Journal of palliative medicine, 20 9, 922-929
Bender, Melissa A; Clarke, Elizabeth; Guilbe, Rose M; Selwyn, Peter A 2013. Missed opportunities in providing palliative care for the urban poor: a case discussion. Journal of palliative medicine, 16 5, 587-90